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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #694
Hey FTND, I am very happy to know that you are providing hope for numerous individuals all across the globe.
Impact Journal #196
FTND does AMAZING things! Keep it up!
Impact Journal #183
I thank you for your work. I’m Brazilian and I found the content on your website and Instagram very necessary!
Impact Journal #571
There are so many horrible crimes associated with porn that people often don’t realize: sex trafficking, sexual violence, rape, etc. This culture is so intent on immediate gratification that we don’t see what trauma is going on behind the screen. Let’s choose real love and fight to help others break free from porn addiction. This podcast and the incredible message this organization spreads are so vital in our world today. Thank you for pioneering this movement. I’m honored to be a part of it.
Impact Journal #337
I’m so happy there are people out there fighting against this awful plague that has devastated so many people, including my own family. I’m grateful for the help and resources that are out there!
Impact Journal #600
As someone who’s struggled with porn addiction and found myself looking for more and more intense porn over time, this is a great reminder of its harmful effects. There is a lot to learn here, and it can be hard to listen to sometimes, but it’s important to get some of the heartbreaking perspective. Thank you for doing this podcast.
Impact Journal #60
I just wanted to tell you thanks! You guys were my inspiration for a speech I had to give in my public speaking class! I was super passionate about the harmful effects of porn, and it was cool to see the faces change from when I first introduced my topic to my very last sentence. Keep doing great work!
Impact Journal #481
Wow! I am truly speechless. This docuseries enthralled me from start to finish. There was not one second where I wasn't interested or couldn't relate. The stories were amazing as well because they allowed me to see that there are normal people like me with this problem as well. Really well done. Thank you for making this and blessing me with this!
Impact Journal #561
Thank you so very much for your podcast and the way you and your guests talk so frankly about their journeys with pornography. My husband has been living porn-free for the past year but struggled to get free for eight months before that. I spoke about our journey at a community event recently and used much of the information that I learned from FTND and from listening to your podcast. I know that pornography is hurting so many families. I really appreciate what you all are doing to help people know the truth. It is helping me to heal from the betrayal trauma. I know it is helping many who have been hurt in a variety of ways.
Impact Journal #397
I most enjoyed the hope this documentary gave that my brain can recover from my porn addiction. I’ve read that repeated engagement with porn is like blazing a well-worn path in the brain–a path I wasn’t sure could ever not be frequently walked. But this gave me so much hope. That well-worn path in my brain that’s been blazed by viewing porn can regrow into a field of flowers again, free from the familiarity and grasp of porn. Thank you for this beautiful resource.
Impact Journal #378
What a fantastic docuseries. Brain, Heart, World brought a smile to my face when I reached the end. I’m glad I stuck around to watch it from beginning to end. All of what was stated, I went through personally, and it began to put a strong halt in my life. This stuff creates a lot of problems in my life, just like other addictions would. I’m so glad I’m taking steps to take it out and rewire my brain for the better.
Impact Journal #57
I just wanted to thank you guys for all you do! Both my husband and I grew up in very religious families, and talking about porn was always a taboo conversation filled with a lot of shame. My husband has struggled with porn since junior high, and since we’ve been married, I’ve never known how to talk to him about it and see how he’s doing. But because of your page and all the amazing work you do, it’s slowly given me the courage to have an open dialogue with my husband about it. It’s made our relationship so much better because we can actually communicate! He feels safe being able to come to me when he feels those urges, and I am so much more understanding of the struggle that he’s constantly facing. So thank you, thank you, thank you! The awareness that you are sharing is invaluable.
Impact Journal #412
Love this! Thank you so much for putting out this information in documentary form. An excellent educational tool! I will be using this with my kids for years to come! Thank you!
Impact Journal #703
As someone dealing with betrayal trauma and healing in my marriage to someone who was addicted to porn, this documentarty is spot on.
Impact Journal #719
This is a movement that I truly believe in. Your message, your platform, and the stories you've shared have helped me to see porn for what it is, that it's not for me, and that I can refuse it.