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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #724
I've struggled with porn addiction since I was in 6th grade. I'm 29 now and it cost me the greatest relationship of my life. Thank you for making these videos and helping all the others out there struggling with this problem.
Impact Journal #7
My marriage fell apart because of the harsh impact of pornography. My ex-husband is a good man; porn just changed how he functioned, spoke, thought, and looked at me. It hurt us in many ways, and it consumed the amazing person he is. I hope he finds a way to deeply and fully recover someday. He once told me that he saw FTND at our college campus, and he wanted to buy a shirt so bad… He said he knew it would be his anthem to himself if he were to buy one. To stop and be able to tell others to as well. He said one day he was so close, but he wasn’t ready. So, thank you for your impact. I will wear the two shirts I just bought now as an anthem as well. Thank you for all you do for the thousands who never said anything about it. You are saving lives.
Impact Journal #681
I used the conversation blueprint with my 12-year-old son. So helpful for that first conversation. Can’t wait to show him the documentary.
Impact Journal #687
Love that you're standing up for this. It's such a big problem in our society.
Impact Journal #198
Thank you for building such an incredible platform for those of us who struggle with this issue. It's incredibly validating, helpful, and priceless to be able to learn and understand my addiction without any shame or alienation that gets tied to it. Thank you!
Impact Journal #609
Such an amazing group of people that put these podcasts together to fight against something worth fighting against! Happy to be a part of the movement!
Impact Journal #557
What an eye-opening and helpful experience to learn about the underbelly of the pornography industry.
Impact Journal #107
I honestly can’t thank you enough for taking the time to send me a personal message with so much guidance and encouragement. I feel better about moving forward knowing I’m not alone and I have these resources. I’m glad you mention shame so many times. Even when you love someone, it’s honestly really hard to accidentally bring shame into the conversation because you feel so hurt. Thank you for reminding me it’s not personal because it truly feels like you’ve been cheated on and it’s really tough to separate yourself from the situation. I’m going to look into these resources and try to make progress. You are making a big difference in our world, thank you.
Impact Journal #182
Fight the New Drug has changed my life! I’ve been porn-free for 2 months now and it’s amazing!
Impact Journal #147
My husband has been on the road to recovery for 5 years. Watching him grow into the man he is without porn has been a beautiful transformation–not easy, but SO worth it. His addiction started when he was 5. With a rough childhood, porn made him feel safe and loved when he felt anxious or upset. Those were false perceptions, which he learned as he grew and saw porn’s damage. He told me about his addiction in 2017. At first, I didn't know how to support him and had to work through my own emotions. But the past year has been the best year of our relationship. Even though he is still recovering, I’m so proud of how far he’s come and his choice to be on this journey. No one truly understands the depths of the addiction and how it can ruin every aspect of your life. My husband has always been an amazing man. I am overjoyed to watch him live in freedom and confidence. He is an amazing husband, father, and friend.
Impact Journal #614
I felt compelled to reach out and give a huge thank you to everyone at this organization. I’ve been dealing with a porn addiction for a while now and just recently started getting real help to try and recover. I came across the Consider Before Consuming podcast and have been going through episodes over the past several weeks. It’s really helped continue to open my eyes to the problem and made me feel not as alone. The episode with Alex especially touched me as I felt like he was telling a version of my story. Please keep up the awesome work and if there is anything I could ever do to help I wouldn’t think twice!
Impact Journal #124
I’m happy to see FTND fighting the shame and stigma that gets in the way of people getting help. The first few years of my addiction counseling with a therapist were focused entirely on dismantling the deep-rooted shame built up by myself and others. Porn addiction is a cycle fueled by shame, and though I know people’s intentions are good, people need to know that when they tell people they are shameful for struggling, they are part of the problem. Thanks, FTND, for publicly stating this.
Impact Journal #219
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I’m crying. I feel like such a bad person when I watch porn, and really would like to stop but haven’t been able to cold turkey. I will check out the resources you shared. Thanks again for replying. It made my day.
Impact Journal #368
I found Fight the New Drug not long after my relationship ended, and while the path has had some speed bumps, I feel so much more free. I feel so much more clear. I feel more whole as a person. I have obtained a clarity when it comes to proper, healthy goals in seeking a lasting, loving relationship. Whenever I rock a FTND t-shirt, it's always a conversation starter—and frankly, it's a conversation that should be happening more often in today's society, and it's a conversation I'm proud to launch in my community.
Impact Journal #725
Your organization has helped me very much in overcoming my addiction and has helped me understand the science behind porn addiction. Not exaggerating--I am 55 days off pornography right now. Thank you for your support and motivation