Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I used to struggle a lot with my addiction to pornography. I started exercising after doing a little research on what porn does to your brain. It was devastating. I still fell almost every month, but I want to be completely free, so watching this helps 110%. Thank you so much for making this documentary! You wonderful humans are saving so many lives! Please let me know if I can help or join the cause in any way!

Dear FTND, I just wanted to say thank you. I am a normal tenth-grade girl who was told my whole life that porn was “gross and dirty.” I wanted to understand outside of my own context why it was “bad.” Your website has provided me with the information I needed to justify why I took my stand against pornography. In English class, I was able to speak for 6 minutes about something; I chose the dangers of porn. It wasn’t easy, but my heart breaks for this generation of boys and girls who don’t understand why they can’t seem to have functional relationships. I wanted to do something about it. I have had multiple conversations after my speech, and hope that at least one person began to think about the potential consequences of porn. This hasn’t been easy to talk about it, but having the right information definitely made it easier. Thank you.

I wish we had this knowledge 30 years ago. My instincts were spot on but I had no evidence to back me up. The evolution of global connectivity turned this industry into a virus. This three-part series is so well done. Kudos! It’s modern, relevant, vulnerable, silly, and lighthearted where appropriate. The last part made me cry. Your research and approach have made it non-threatening to all. I know the hard work put into this on the cinematography and filming alone. I am unraveling my world and healing as we speak. Your website is very profound. Thank you.

FTND has opened our eyes to a problem that is only getting worse! Pornography is no laughing matter. It is breaking up families, shaming men and women across the board. FTND has opened a topic that NEEDS to be discussed with the youth of today. We have been able to have open, healthy talks with our own kids about pornography. Thanks to FTND we can talk to our daughters, their husbands, and our son openly about how destructive pornography is. Thanks, FTND! You have opened our eyes, and strengthened our relationship with our kids!

Thanks to your website and podcast, I'm able to bring up the negative facts about pornography to people and give them actual accurate information. Rather than just saying, "porn is bad," like before, I can give people the reasons why! I purposely bring up pornography in normal conversations and I'm not scared to do it cause now I have the actual facts, rather than just my opinion and it's amazing!

I appreciate you guys doing this. I send a lot of your resources to my friends who struggle to try and help them, so keep it up.

My boyfriend regularly watched porn, and his expectations of sex were warped because of it. Since quitting, we’ve had a much healthier sex life and relationship in general. Porn kills love. Thank you for fighting against it.

Thank you for building such an incredible platform for those of us who struggle with this issue. It's incredibly validating, helpful, and priceless to be able to learn and understand my addiction without any shame or alienation that gets tied to it. Thank you!

I thought I was alone in my feelings about pornography until I found your page and realized there are like-minded people out there and it has made me feel somewhat better. I feel like society has normalized porn viewing to be acceptable thing in a monogamous relationship. I really support what you’re doing and I bought your “Stop the Demand” tee shirt and I can’t wait to get it.

I just realized that I have a real problem with pornography, but these videos are actually giving me hope.

As someone who was deeply affected by porn in my teens and continues to grapple with the trauma, thank you for this.

Long story short, when my best friend told me that he's been struggling to stay away from watching porn, I sent him the FTND documentary, Brain, Heart, World. Because he is a political adviser, educator, and lawyer, he felt disgusted and devastated to learn that porn fuels the demand for human sex trafficking. This was one big reason that made him stop watching porn.

Hey, I just wanted to say thanks. Today, I opened up to my partner about my past addictions (currently celebrating three years of being free of pornography). And I don’t know if I could’ve had that courage without your group. Sincerely, thank you.

I love what you guys are doing with this organization. It’s amazing. Keep it up!

Thank you for your work to help us educate our children and ourselves about the harms of porn. I wish I had this knowledge when I was a teen!