Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

100 days free (as of today!) because of organizations like you. Thank you so so much!

Love your work. I wish I had been told at a young age about the harms of pornography.

Thank you for doing this series. I watched it with my 13-year-old son to try and help him understand the long-term effects of porn. Every parent needs to watch this video with their kids.

I recently decided to wear my PKL shirt to O'Hare airport. I immediately noticed lots of staring, which is expected when you're wearing a shirt that has the word "porn.” A few people stopped me to tell me they loved my shirt, many smiled and pointed. It was refreshing to see people reacting and hopefully having meaningful conversations after seeing it. The best part was while entering the aircraft, a flight attendant greeted us and after reading my shirt, her face lit up! She loved the message and had her coworker come see it as well. During the flight, the flight attendant offered me a complimentary beer "for wearing such an awesome shirt."
By supporting FTND, you aren't just giving your money to another nonprofit. You are provided with a tool to spread an empowering, world-changing message. By wearing a shirt with the 3 simple words "Porn Kills Love," I was able to raise awareness, start conversations for many, and pass the message along.

FTND has created a community where pornography consumption is no longer the norm. Their approach is to show love, report the facts and science along with personal experiences to show the harmful effects of porn. They helped my husband overcome porn. They helped me understand the addiction. They created a space where my questions could be answered. My husband and I are both so excited for this podcast and hope it reaches those who are still consumed with damaging behavior!

WOW! That’s an incredibly powerful docuseries. I had a similar experience to one of the guys in the film as a kid, and messed up a lot of my life. It took years of hard work to stop watching porn, and I’m still tempted. This film was so motivational to stay free and focus on healthy relationships and experiencing life.

Informative and uplifting. I came here after watching a porn video, and I felt down and overwhelmed. This documentary gave me hope.

I have felt like I am worth the time I put into my self. I let go of the shame I carried as being a viewer, a secret life that no one knew about. I am who I authentically want to be. People see this person and know this person. I'm doing a 5K run in a couple weeks that I've been training for.
I'm glad to find this platform. I have tried to quit before, and when looking for resources, I could only find some that had religious reasonings and it was hard to find something that was science and fact-based

Your page has helped me be able to start conversations and encourage my husband so much! It means a lot that you all work so hard to fight this with science and facts!

How to say saved me tonight. I watched your documentary series with my partner and you explained everything I needed to say but couldn't find the right words. Thank you.

I just want to express my gratitude for this account. I am recovering from betrayal trauma in past relationships. My relationship now is anti-porn and we do proactive things about it, e.g. discussing your account. My healing journey has been easier since following you. Thank you for your work.

As a recovering porn addict myself, this podcast has helped me further understand myself and it always helps when you can relate to someone who has had the struggle themselves.

Thank you so much for building this site! The education on this page and your website have grown my knowledge of pornography immensely. I wrote my senior research project on the negative impacts of porn use and use you guys as references for almost all of my points! Keep educating even though it’s a hard topic. We’re grateful for people like you to stand up and fight this drug.

I just wanted to tell you how much your movement gave me motivation to quit. I’m 2 months porn free and feeling great. Now that I have realized how unrealistic porn is, I started to treat women like people again. You are doing something truly great in the world! Just wanted to thank you. Keep doing the good work!