Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

This podcast motivated me to kick porn.

This documentary is a fantastic resource I want to share with everyone I know.

Your content is so good–I actually can’t stop reading your articles and sharing them!

Thank you for such an excellent presentation. I cried over the stories in the series and my own past pain caused by porn. I love the hope at the end. Thanks again for showing the truth!

It’s information that I’ve seen many times before, but the way it is presented here is much more human. I like the hopeful message of Brain, Heart World, and I am extremely glad that you are helping propagate this information. People really need to hear it. I need to hear it. I am trying to free myself, and it is so easy to lie to myself to justify it. Knowledge is the power people need to overcome this. Thank you for providing that knowledge.

Fighter Club has given me hope. I am always needing a reminder that healing is possible and that people can change. No one is stuck watching porn forever. My boyfriend and I have grown so much stronger because of our teamwork, and he is so much healthier and happier now than ever. If it weren’t for FTND, we wouldn’t have gotten the resources that we needed to fight. It has been amazing being on the receiving end of hope, but it is even more fulfilling to be on the giving end.

Our public screening of Brain, Heart, World went fantastic! Great discussion afterwards and all that attended will definitely be speaking up now that they know and understand!

I think you are doing an invaluable job in educating people across all walks of life about the real harm and destruction internet porn wreaks in people’s lives. Thank you for such informative, creative, and heart-wrenching content! Please continue with your noble efforts!

FTND is so amazing and helpful. Thank you for all you do, especially in educating people. You don’t focus on morality, and you are clear about long-lasting harm to all involved, including viewers.

Hi, I’m really excited to be part of this community since I watched your documentary. It is something that changed my view of life.

In the midst of all that’s happening in the world, I had forgotten that this year is a big milestone for me: I was addicted to porn for 13 years growing up, and I have been free from that addiction for 13 years in March. Big thanks to Fight the New Drug for not backing off from the fight!

As a nurse, I really appreciate the scientific education from experts on the very real damage that porn does to the brain, as well as the hope for healing!

I’ve struggled with porn addiction since age 12. I’m finally choosing to let my shame go. Porn is very prevalent in Icelandic society, but its negative effects are rarely, if ever, discussed. People view it as perfectly normal. Therapists never mention it as an issue, and I’ve never heard an Icelandic person admit they have a problem with porn, so I felt like I was the only one. Hearing personal accounts from FTND and studying the research has been so refreshing, knowing that I am not alone.
In high school, I gave a speech explaining porn stats I got from your website. The teacher told me afterwards she’d learned a lot and wished everyone in school could hear that message. I think people here would agree, but they just don’t know. So I wanted to thank you, especially for your podcast which has been a way for me to be surrounded by light and strength. You reach far outside the US, and have at least one supporter in Iceland. Much love.

I found porn in an effort to understand what was being done to me. As a 10-year-old boy, I was being molested and raped regularly by my 16-year-old male cousin. I found out later that he was addicted to porn, and that was part of what made him try to act it out on me. I struggled with porn and an unhealthy relationship with sex until my early 20s. I bought my first FTND shirt years ago, and I just joined the Fighter Club. Thank you guys for what you are doing to fight something that fuels sexual abuse and child trafficking and exploitation.

WOW! This is an incredibly powerful film series. I had a similar experience to one of the guys in the film as a kid and it messed up a lot of my life. It took years of hard work to stop looking at porn and I sometimes still want to. This film series is so motivational to stay free and focus on healthy relationships and experiencing life.