Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Really good documentary. I was struggling with pornography until I broke up with my girlfriend. Now that I have lost someone who was special to me, I understand the consequences of consuming it. It’s sad that my relationship didn’t work out, but this gives me another reason to fight for real love.

Your organization has helped me very much in overcoming my addiction and has helped me understand the science behind porn addiction. Not exaggerating--I am 55 days off pornography right now. Thank you for your support and motivation

This documentary is a fantastic resource I want to share with everyone I know.

What you’re doing is so essential to help people engage in healthy, lasting relationships. My marriage was deeply affected by porn. Everything you say is true, I witnessed it firsthand. Once the ‘secret’ was out we were finally able to address all the problems porn caused and it has been a years-long process. As a wife, it’s utterly gut-wrenching to find out your partner was betraying your trust and destroying intimacy in your marriage by using porn. My husband became withdrawn, uninterested in me, irritable, and his behavior completely changed. He was doing a multitude of other things that were destructive to himself and our relationship. Deception became normal, and more extreme behaviors became OK. Our marriage was robbed of true love and intimacy by porn. My husband has so much more awareness now. He’s at a local Fight the New Drug presentation with our sons right now! Thanks for everything you’re doing!

I first was introduced to porn when I was in 6th grade when I found my father's VHS collection. I struggled for over 10 years. It wasn’t until I admitted my addiction to my then-fiancé (now wife) that I was able to overcome the addiction. It isn’t easy, and triggers are everywhere, but having support from my loved ones and pages like this have made all the difference. Clean and clear for over two years now. I have four brothers who are all working on their recovery because of me. Porn would’ve killed my marriage to a wonderful woman who I have been with for 11 years now.

Thank you for giving me a new perspective & helping to change my life.

I love the message you spread. You’ve really changed my outlook and opened my eyes.

Wow, this docuseries was truly awakening. I’ve tried and tried many times to quit porn, and after relapsing a couple of days ago, this was the motivation that I needed. I accept that what triggers me won’t go away, things won’t change straight away and there’s still the possibility of relapsing again; I have to be aware of that. But when one sees clearly that things do get better and the clouds do part eventually, it’s very motivating to know that there’s more to life than this. Beyond pornography is a better, more rewarding, and more fulfilling life. Thank you for making this documentary. I will work even harder to kick this out of my life!

I’ve tried to quit porn in the past, but I think this documentary series and movement will be another spark that will help me really enjoy life again.

I can't seem to keep enough of the wristbands with me. It is an amazing conversation starter. People ask what it means and stands for and as they show interest, I take it off and offer it to them. I appreciate the opportunity to talk about this cause with others.

As someone who’s struggled with porn addiction and found myself looking for more and more intense porn over time, this is a great reminder of its harmful effects. There is a lot to learn here, and it can be hard to listen to sometimes, but it’s important to get some of the heartbreaking perspective. Thank you for doing this podcast.

Excellent! I am a leader in my community, looking to address the issue of porn in my small community, and based on what I see in these documentary episodes, I will most likely start with these.

As someone who has battled porn addiction myself, I’m so appreciative of the amazing work you’re doing.

Really great, informative, and beautifully shot. Oh, and with excellent narration.