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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #480
Thank you for being a beacon of hope in a time when I felt so low.
Impact Journal #180
Your movement and the material that comes with it have been a huge part of this change in me, and now I’m ready to give you something back by supporting this movement.
Impact Journal #732
I just want to express my gratitude for this account. I am recovering from betrayal trauma in past relationships. My relationship now is anti-porn and we do proactive things about it, e.g. discussing your account. My healing journey has been easier since following you. Thank you for your work.
Impact Journal #507
I love it! I have a son who struggles with pornography. This movie brought to light clarity on the subject of pornography and that it is a lifelong battle that requires more than just a few therapy sessions. Maybe it was just hopeful thinking that he was probably ‘fine’ at this point. This docuseries made me realize that I need to get my head out of the sand and take a stand and do more than just hope my son is OK. Thank you for that.
Impact Journal #85
I reached day 50 for the first time ever and that was in large part due to y'all’s help. Thank you for your work.
Impact Journal #586
I think I literally just beat pornography. I opened up a porn website and actually stopped. I considered before consuming. I thought about what this would do to me, my future spouse, my future kids, and my life. I thought about all the people I heard about on your podcasts and how pornography affected them. None of it was worth the 10 minutes of “satisfaction” I would get. Thank you for all of what you do and for helping many like me overcome this drug.
Impact Journal #742
I have felt like I am worth the time I put into my self. I let go of the shame I carried as being a viewer, a secret life that no one knew about. I am who I authentically want to be. People see this person and know this person. I'm doing a 5K run in a couple weeks that I've been training for. I'm glad to find this platform. I have tried to quit before, and when looking for resources, I could only find some that had religious reasonings and it was hard to find something that was science and fact-based
Impact Journal #714
Great documentary! We watched with our teens. It was educational, eye-opening and based on solid data. Thank you! I have recommended it multiple times to other parents of teens.
Impact Journal #484
Hearing how it's an everyday battle when you're on the road to recovery and freedom from porn is scary, but knowing that you're not in this alone is helpful. And really just the dreams and aspirations mentioned in the documentary put it all into perspective, that you don't want this addiction to flood into those areas in your life. Let the battle begin.
Impact Journal #702
This documentary is a thought provoking, deeply moving and accessible resource for both teenagers and adults affected by pornography.
Impact Journal #285
This morning, about 30 minutes ago, I called one of my community leaders and confessed to him my porn struggle, which helped me. I’ve never thought before about how watching porn does not make me a bad person. That really helped me to think about it, and it’s thanks to you guys. I’ve always thought that if I watch it, I am a bad person, but I realize that I am a good person but I’ve got a nagging, annoying struggle that’s always with me. There’s a difference. Thank you so much for what you do. You guys really are pros. I wish I had known that before all of this, but thank you so much.
Impact Journal #36
Thank you for all that you have taught me about pornography! By being educated on it, I have been able to stop viewing pornography and it has been a freeing experience.
Impact Journal #110
I’m going to change my life today. I promise. I am going to do it. I want to regain control of my life, so I’m going to break the chains. I promise I will. Thank you!