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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #588
This podcast motivated me to kick porn.
Impact Journal #57
I just wanted to thank you guys for all you do! Both my husband and I grew up in very religious families, and talking about porn was always a taboo conversation filled with a lot of shame. My husband has struggled with porn since junior high, and since we’ve been married, I’ve never known how to talk to him about it and see how he’s doing. But because of your page and all the amazing work you do, it’s slowly given me the courage to have an open dialogue with my husband about it. It’s made our relationship so much better because we can actually communicate! He feels safe being able to come to me when he feels those urges, and I am so much more understanding of the struggle that he’s constantly facing. So thank you, thank you, thank you! The awareness that you are sharing is invaluable.
Impact Journal #287
Well, I just told my parents about my porn addiction. I was really worried, but they took it very well and were very comforting. Definitely worth it.
Impact Journal #568
Listening to a level-headed bunch of people discuss an issue that is affecting many, many people is very inspiring. If you are trying to help someone stop, show them this.
Impact Journal #646
You guys are the best! I put my Fighter Club stickers on all of my electronics and I’m entering my longest porn-free period in 9 years! The podcast and social media posts help me stay motivated and my monthly donation reminds me that I’m literally invested in winning!
Impact Journal #275
100 days free (as of today!) because of organizations like you. Thank you so so much!
Impact Journal #630
Thank you for all you do! Put this donation to good use fighting the new drug! I am a college student with not much to give, but I am passionate about this.
Impact Journal #267
Thanks for what you do, guys! I’ve been free from porn for some time now (thankfully!). Although I struggle with the temptation every now and then, your posts have always helped me overcome it and continue to fight the good fight.
Impact Journal #279
Thank you for all of the regular reminders of the toxicity of porn. It’s helpful to remind us all of why we should stay away, no matter the urge, especially during the time of confinement in the pandemic for so many of us.
Impact Journal #280
Porn really messed me up. I used to be focused on my goals as a student, and I connected well with my peers, but all of that went wrong after viewing porn and getting hooked. I've lost my self-esteem, I don't socialize, and I am always so lonely. Every time I go without porn for some time, I regain energy, but I've lost count of how many times I've relapsed. I’m not giving up though, I'll keep up the fight.
Impact Journal #422
I’ve been struggling for a long time now and it’s time for me to stop. I watched the documentary last night and it really helped to see the other side of the issue. I’m very addicted to it and I stayed strong yesterday and I’m planning to keep it like that! Thank you for all you do, and I’m probably going to order a shirt today.
Impact Journal #230
Hi guys, I hope you're doing great! I just wanted to thank you so much for what you do. You have a very special and specific mission to which you've been really dedicated. I know this has already benefited lots of people in the world. You guys motivated me to start a podcast in Spanish to help people end their addiction to pornography. Thank you so much for all the inspo!
Impact Journal #58
Thank you. Thank you for being a voice for this issue. Thank you for calling it what it is: a real issue. Thank you for not making light of it, like it’s a joke, like they do in the movies or on TV. Thank you for telling the truth, for being vulnerable, and for having the courage to say this is a problem. Just THANK YOU!
Impact Journal #619
365 days! Consider Before Consuming was a vital part of the initial “white knuckle.” Thank you for making this journey & anniversary possible.
Impact Journal #127
Hey FTND, what you've said has really helped and given me some things to work on with my boyfriend. I'm hoping that together we will be able to get past his addiction and move forward in our relationship. You've really made me feel a whole lot better about the way I've been feeling towards his porn habit and helped me understand that what I am feeling is valid. It's been great to be able to speak to someone who has an impartial view on this and can offer valuable advice! So, thank you!