Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I’ve been donating to this cause for a year and a half now. My boyfriend of only a month opened up to me and told me that he used to have a pornography addiction but has been clean for over a year. This cause means even more to me now, knowing that someone I love has been affected by it and has been overcoming it. Thank you for all that you do!

Hey guys, I had a small setback today with watching pornography, but one of your videos encouraged me to get back on track. Thank you for creating awareness on this subject.

Love y'all! I know that things are tough economically right now and your work is vital, so I wanted to give a little more in addition to my monthly donation. Keep fighting!

Incredible articles! I’ve been following your organization for a little while and I feel so humbled to be educated on the harms of this “drug.” As someone with impressionable siblings, I want to keep them safe from harmful content online, and you’re broadening my perspective on this matter. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I really appreciate all that you stand for! There are millions of kids and teenagers that need to hear the message you spread!

My boyfriend eventually broke up with me because after a year of me trying to fight with him, he “just didn’t see my problem with him watching porn.” I’d like to thank your organization, not only for making these articles and trying to educate people on porn’s harms, but also for responding to my personal story when I needed it the most. I’ll keep fighting for love—thank you.

The other day I saw the video with Terry Crews and his “Porn Kills Love” shirt. It has really inspired me. I found you guys and have read your tips on how to keep myself occupied. I’ve had issues with porn since I was 11, and for the past few days, I’ve stayed away from it. And I’ve never felt better in my life. I’ve only been off for 4 days but I’m proud of myself for fighting the urge.

Before this podcast, I was lost and had no sense in myself. Now that I listen to this podcast, I’ve learned how to fight and how to think before consuming!

Great content and super helpful as I lead volunteers of students to have conversations about pornography with students!

I am speechless most of time with the topics that are addressed in these podcasts. I think that I am a better human being, or at least becoming one, because I am hearing these messages.

Thank you for what you’re doing in the world!

Absolutely amazing series. Has opened my eyes. I’m a teacher and thinking about how I can use this series to help many of my students who struggle with porn addictions. Thank you for such uplifting but thoughtful content. It is making a difference.

Love the perspective it gives on the idea that you’re not bad for watching porn but that porn itself is bad for you.

I'm so grateful to you and the work that you do! Before discovering your organization, resisting porn felt like a battle alone in the wilderness. Keep on fighting! Here's to 14 years, and 14 more, and many more in the future!

I want to share my freedom journey and thank this organization for bringing awareness to something that’s so damaging. Over the past decade, I’ve been in a tormenting relationship with pornography, damaging me from the inside out. I was exposed as a young kid, by a cousin. Curiosity sank in and I started acting out things I saw. I worked and lived among great people, yet I had a secret addiction. Once I finally broke the silence, healing began. I have been porn-free for a few months now and not having the weight of porn on me has been incredible. Thank you for what you are doing.
My experience stirred a passion to get my Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology to become better equipped to confront the porn industry. My heart is for women to find freedom from porn. I have been trying to network and connect with other ladies who have a similar journey. We’re all in this together. The more women break the silence, the less of a stronghold porn has.