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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #412
Love this! Thank you so much for putting out this information in documentary form. An excellent educational tool! I will be using this with my kids for years to come! Thank you!
Impact Journal #61
It feels great to contribute to something that’s helped me so much. When I discovered this amazing organization, I was really addicted to porn but wanted to quit. I ruined my relationship with my girlfriend at the time and pushed a lot of people away. Through FTND, I was able to conquer my addiction. I happened to stumble upon this website from a Google search. I'll freely admit that when I first realized/discovered your site's purpose, I immediately thought to myself, ‘It's another one of those self-righteous “porn is bad” groups trying to tell people how to live.’ But once I read through your mission page, it became obvious that I was wrong. I'm actually very impressed by your goals that are the literal opposite of every other anti-porn group I've come across. Your stance of helping those who ask for it and respecting the freedoms of those who choose not to is extremely refreshing to see. I wish you luck!
Impact Journal #329
Thank you so much for this account. A lot of your posts have helped me on my way to developing a healthy relationship with sex.
Impact Journal #733
This is exactly what I was looking for! Artistic, informative, relatable, respectful, truthful! My whole family can watch this. It's engaging enough to keep the interest of the younger audience but factual and informative enough to keep the older audience interested. Thank you for making this video!
Impact Journal #51
I found this organization a few years ago, and I was absolutely awestruck. Because of your resources, I have been inspired to fight against sex trafficking and raise awareness on the slavery and abuse those human beings go through. Being factually educated by FTND on the detriments of porn has really enlightened a passion in me for standing up for respect for everyone. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do on a day-to-day basis.
Impact Journal #458
Hi, I thought this documentary spoke to youth really well and was not too overwhelming or shaming. I will share it with my son and share it with friends, thank you.
Impact Journal #209
Thank you! I’ve learned so much from your resources. I am forever grateful for the purely scientific and psychological approach FTND has taken with the educational content—It helps everyone and not just those who are religious! Thank you for your time and resources.
Impact Journal #214
I gotta say . . . I love what you’re promoting. Please keep it up and bring more awareness! There are so many downsides to pornography and people are hurting because of it!
Impact Journal #483
I almost cried. It was really emotional, and I can definitely relate. I’m 26 years of age, and I have been porn-free for 5 days now. I’m super happy and my energy is less drained. Porn creates erectile dysfunction and objectifies women and I don’t want to be a part of it.
Impact Journal #583
Love being a Fighter and watching this amazing organization grow. You guys have helped me sooooo much. Thanks for all you do!
Impact Journal #484
Hearing how it's an everyday battle when you're on the road to recovery and freedom from porn is scary, but knowing that you're not in this alone is helpful. And really just the dreams and aspirations mentioned in the documentary put it all into perspective, that you don't want this addiction to flood into those areas in your life. Let the battle begin.
Impact Journal #514
I have been struggling with porn addiction for 13 years. I have kinda given up lately, but it was good to hear that my brain really can be normal again.
Impact Journal #373
Wow. WOW! I just watched Brain, Heart, World, and I am blown away with gratitude for what you guys are doing. I talk about this organization often and raise awareness as well as I can about you guys and your resources because I am PUMPED about how you are fighting this tragedy that is overtaking the world. I truly think that because of what you beautiful humans are doing, I might get to have a conversation with another person one day who won't even know what porn is; that is my dream. Thank you for going hard for a good, good thing. Incredible job!
Impact Journal #481
Wow! I am truly speechless. This docuseries enthralled me from start to finish. There was not one second where I wasn't interested or couldn't relate. The stories were amazing as well because they allowed me to see that there are normal people like me with this problem as well. Really well done. Thank you for making this and blessing me with this!