Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I have been struggling with porn addiction for 13 years. I have kinda given up lately, but it was good to hear that my brain really can be normal again.

This donation marks the start of my own recovery and I thank you so much for your service.

I wanted to share anonymously that I'm two years porn-free. This is in part because I’m following you on social media. I've referred people to you as a source. Thanks for your work!

I’m fairly choosy with my time, and there are countless podcasts out there. I’ve been following FTND for a while now, first on Instagram and then through the website. When I found out you had a podcast, I had to check it out. If you’re looking for information, it’s here. If you want powerful true stories, they’re here. If you just need a little bit of encouragement to get through the day, it’s here. ‘Consider before Consuming’ is a podcast true to its vision—to fight for love and equip others with the tools they need to do just that. Don’t put this off. Give it a listen right now.

What a great way to raise awareness on this topic, which is needed now more than ever. Love what you guys are doing to combat the lies of pornography.

Such an amazing group of people that put these podcasts together to fight against something worth fighting against! Happy to be a part of the movement!

Porn affected my life in so many ways I never could’ve imagined. It affected my social life and relationship with my parents. There were times when I thought I’d overcome my addiction, but whenever I became depressed or things came up, I always found myself crawling back to porn. I was introduced to your page by a friend and started following on social media. I read the stats and started to understand how porn was not only affecting me, but the world too. I made a solid commitment to never view porn again. My life slowly began to turn around. I started to do better in school and was able to focus on my social life. I was happier. The greatest change of all was when I met the most amazing girl who is now my wife. I have been sober for over two years. If you’re fighting right now, keep fighting. If you haven’t started, start now. It will change your life. Don’t get discouraged. It takes time. You can do it!

Awesome documentary! Thank you for shedding light on this issue. It affects so many people and like you said—most people think that it's normal, or even healthy. So grateful for the work that FTND does every day to help individuals, families, and the world.

As a witness of the tragic consequences of pornography addiction, I love that the message of pornography’s harmful effects on individuals, families, and society is finally being spread to a larger audience. Thank you!

Wow, FTND. Your email this morning, with the subject title “PSA: Porn Is Not Healthy” came at exactly the right time. I’ve been having an increasingly difficult time staying away from porn. I’ve been free of it for about 3 months, but, unfortunately, this morning I looked up a popular porn website. Just as I tapped on the first video, your email popped up at the top of my screen. I instantly knew what I was doing shouldn’t happen, and I exited the website. Thanks for the amazingly-timed email, and thanks for all you do to combat this pervasive issue.

I think I literally just beat pornography. I opened up a porn website and actually stopped. I considered before consuming. I thought about what this would do to me, my future spouse, my future kids, and my life. I thought about all the people I heard about on your podcasts and how pornography affected them. None of it was worth the 10 minutes of “satisfaction” I would get. Thank you for all of what you do and for helping many like me overcome this drug.

This is a movement that I truly believe in. Your message, your platform, and the stories you've shared have helped me to see porn for what it is, that it's not for me, and that I can refuse it.

I am so happy with what you guys are doing. I’m dating a guy who was trapped in his porn addiction and it has opened my eyes to this world of deception. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I cannot say it enough. I'm tearing up as I write.