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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #638
Thank you so much for all that you do to educate the public on porn's harms! I've stopped watching porn, and it's still a struggle at times, so I greatly appreciate your content; you motivate me to keep going! Thank you for being there! Definitely won't be my last donation.
Impact Journal #94
Just wanted to say I’ve been through a lot in my 24 years of life, but my porn/sex obsession has probably been one of the toughest to kick. Maybe it’s because it’s so easy to access, maybe because so many people think it’s okay . . . There are a lot of reasons, but seeing your posts and your stories do help me know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I’ll be okay. I’ll be better than okay, someday. And I’ll win this fight.
Impact Journal #693
Holy cow! You guys are the real deal! I'm so honored to be a part of this community!! Thank you so much!!
Impact Journal #241
I just want to thank you for continuing to educate and bring awareness to the effects of pornography. In a message I sent you several years ago, I thought my husband had been without porn for many years only to find out later that he had not stopped his porn use, just kept it quiet. I feel that I would have left this marriage or be in the process had it not been for the amazing articles you continue to post about how porn affects the mind, etc. Your efforts to fight this drug are paying off and you have saved my marriage and I’m sure many others because of it. My husband may still be in the throes of his addiction but he is fighting. I will be here by his side as he fights, wielding my own sword. True love is worth fighting for. Thanks again.
Impact Journal #180
Your movement and the material that comes with it have been a huge part of this change in me, and now I’m ready to give you something back by supporting this movement.
Impact Journal #513
I have been addicted to pornography for years now, and relating to these people's experiences in this documentary makes me feel less lonely. Thank you for everything you're doing. You make this world a better place.
Impact Journal #123
I watched porn and it made me feel really uncomfortable, yet a lot of people see it as harmless fun,so I thought I must be a “prude.” Seeing your YouTube videos changed that. I know porn is unhealthy for individuals and society, and people are exploited terribly in the industry. The only people who benefit from this issue are those making money from it. Keep up the good work in creating awareness.
Impact Journal #220
Just gotta say I really appreciate this page. Y'all helping so many people with this silent epidemic.
Impact Journal #214
I gotta say . . . I love what you’re promoting. Please keep it up and bring more awareness! There are so many downsides to pornography and people are hurting because of it!
Impact Journal #394
Understanding how pornography affects the brain is really something I needed to know about. It’s something I wish I knew before.
Impact Journal #467
This was amazing. While watching the documentary, I was going through my past memories, which again made me realize why I want to do this. Thank you for helping my fight.
Impact Journal #551
Since I started informing myself through your documentary and publications, I'm finally changing myself and I'm starting to get rid of this horrible habit that I had since I was 12.
Impact Journal #466
Incredible. A phenomenal, heart-wrenching look at the suffering and destruction porn brings to our lives—and the beauty that lies in life that we can experience when we break free. Thank you.