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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #315
I found porn in an effort to understand what was being done to me. As a 10-year-old boy, I was being molested and raped regularly by my 16-year-old male cousin. I found out later that he was addicted to porn, and that was part of what made him try to act it out on me. I struggled with porn and an unhealthy relationship with sex until my early 20s. I bought my first FTND shirt years ago, and I just joined the Fighter Club. Thank you guys for what you are doing to fight something that fuels sexual abuse and child trafficking and exploitation.
Impact Journal #383
Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you so much. I am a 12-year-old kid who has been addicted to porn for over six years. My sister found out and she showed me the Fight the New Drug three-part series. I watched all three episodes and I am no longer watching porn. So I just wanted to thank you, and without you guys, I would still be watching.
Impact Journal #706
I appreciate the work that FTND is doing. I hope that this might enable you to continue helping people who are struggling with this addiction.
Impact Journal #556
I’ve waited a long time for something like this to be on the market. I love seeing something so important be broken out and talked about over social media and other mediums. I’m so excited for all future episodes! Very raw with the perfect balance of teaching! Thank you!
Impact Journal #76
Thanks for helping people make the decision about what to consume based on the facts and not just opinions!
Impact Journal #56
I’m thankful for organizations like FTND! Because of you talking about the harmful effects of porn, I’m now attending college in the fall and getting a degree in psychology to help trafficked women recover. I never knew that trafficking and porn went hand-in-hand. Thank you for showing that to me and thank you for repping a good cause!
Impact Journal #627
I have been working toward letting go of porn this year, and the last few days have been rough. Today I was on the verge of buying porn and instead, I donated to y’all’s “Give for Love” fundraiser on Facebook! This is a huge step in the right direction, and I know I won’t regret donating that money later!
Impact Journal #214
I gotta say . . . I love what you’re promoting. Please keep it up and bring more awareness! There are so many downsides to pornography and people are hurting because of it!
Impact Journal #644
Thank you for creating this awareness. I wish I could give more because this is something I have personally been affected by.
Impact Journal #377
Long story short, when my best friend told me that he's been struggling to stay away from watching porn, I sent him the FTND documentary, Brain, Heart, World. Because he is a political adviser, educator, and lawyer, he felt disgusted and devastated to learn that porn fuels the demand for human sex trafficking. This was one big reason that made him stop watching porn.
Impact Journal #196
FTND does AMAZING things! Keep it up!
Impact Journal #513
I have been addicted to pornography for years now, and relating to these people's experiences in this documentary makes me feel less lonely. Thank you for everything you're doing. You make this world a better place.
Impact Journal #151
Thank you for being such a force for good in the world!
Impact Journal #165
I recently searched about whether porn stars enjoyed their jobs. I ran across one of your articles about that very subject. To say it was eye-opening is an understatement. Thank you for your work. It’s necessary!
Impact Journal #90
Thank you guys so much for what you are doing. I spread the word to quit watching porn as much as I can. Thank you so much. Keep spreading your messages.