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Rebels With A Cause: How to Join the “Consider Before Consuming” Street Team

Consider before consuming. We do it every day with almost everything we come in contact with. “Which Netflix movie do I want to watch?” “Is this outfit...

By October 4, 2018No Comments

Consider before consuming. We do it every day with almost everything we come in contact with.

“Which Netflix movie do I want to watch?”

“Is this outfit perfect for the day?”

“I should look both ways before crossing the street.”

“Will eating this dessert make me too full?”

And on and on. Thousands of thoughts a day, hundreds of decisions. Consider all the things you consider every day to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your community happy, healthy, and hopeful.

Now, consider this. Thanks to decades of studies from major institutions, there is an ever-growing body of research demonstrating significant negative impacts of pornography consumption for individuals, relationships, and society.

Why not apply the same consideration we have for what we consume and do to something that could very well actually be harming us and those we love? Why not consider the science that says porn is harmful before saying “yes” to consuming it?

This is not some sort of moral argument, it’s just something to think about. So, give it a minute, and consider the risks. Consider before consuming.

Introducing: Fight the New Drug’s “Street Team”

It’s clear that our generation is ready for a new kind of love—a love that is untainted by warped perceptions of intimacy and selfish desires. Millions are now recognizing pornography for what it is and rejecting it teachings and influence in their lives. For ourselves, for those we love, and for future generations, we’re changing the conversation around this issue using science, facts, and personal accounts through meaningful dialogue. Sound like something you’d like to get involved with?

Every day, we’re asked by Fighters how they can get more involved in raising awareness in their communities. Two words for you, Fighters: Street. Team.

Joining Fight the New Drug’s Street Team is the best way to rep the movement and spread the word in your city. With the exclusive Street Team action kit, you have everything you need to be bold and take a stand, while sparking impactful conversations that invite people to consider the risks before consuming porn. This incredible all-new and improved Action Kit includes:

  • 1 Exclusive Street Team Tee
  • 12 Double-Sided Flyers
  • 1 Street Team Patch
  • 1 Street Team Silicone Wristband
  • 1 Street Team Cloth Wristband
  • 1 Vinyl Sticker Sheet with 17 Stickers
  • 2 Double-Sided Posters
  • 1 Limited Fighter Zine
  • All in a Street Team Cinch Bag

How cool is this? And it looks even cooler on the streets than it does on this screen. Click here to join the Street Team!

Together, our global community of over 2.2 million Fighters is taking steps to change the conversation about porn in our families, friend groups, and communities. While getting involved on social media and spreading the word that way is important, boots-on-the-ground Fighters who are striking up meaningful, respectful, and thoughtful conversations that inspire critical thinking on this difficult topic are making a huge dent in this issue. We see it every day!

We’ve had Street Team Fighters set up booths on their college campuses, put stickers in popular tourist areas, and place posters around major landmarks in their city. Each one of these actions has undoubtedly caused heads to turn and conversations to start. That’s what being a Street Team Fighter is all about—inviting your neighbor, BFF, and barista to consider before consuming.

We can’t do this without you. Take a stand, right where you are, and speak out against the harmful effects of pornography with love, compassion, and the facts.

The Street Team Action Kit is currently on sale for $38!

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