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No Porn November Challenge: Could You Give Up Porn for 30 Days?

Have you tried giving up porn for a month? Not for your partner, not as a joke, but really try it for yourself and see what happens.

By November 5, 2023No Comments
Freedom from Porn

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Decades of studies from respected institutions have demonstrated significant impacts of porn consumption on individuals, relationships, and society. No Porn November is all about giving visibility to these facts and empowering individuals to choose to be porn-free. Learn more by clicking here.

Have you ever thought about giving up porn for good? Ever been curious about what your life would look like without porn?

In a world where you’ll see so many magazine covers, blogs, and advertisements regularly telling both men and women why they should watch porn, we’d like to share some research and personal accounts that might make you think twice about consuming this No Porn November.

The No Porn November 30-day challenge

During our annual No Porn November campaign, some Fighters take on the challenge to try to give up porn, not for their partner, not as a joke, but to try it for themselves to see what happens.

To help, during No Porn November, we’ll be sharing a bunch of info that will equip you with your challenge and give you some info to help you out.

Fortify – Feeling stuck? Our affiliates at Fortify have a fantastic online recovery platform dedicated to helping hundreds of thousands of individuals all over the world find lasting freedom from pornography. Learn, connect, and track your recovery journey. Plus, it’s free to use! This No Porn November fighters can get an additional 50% off a premium subscription with code NPN23.

$Relay–If you’re looking for more connection-focused recovery, Relay is another incredible tool to help you stay away from porn that connects you with a digital-based support group. You can try it out for free during #NoPornovember as well.



How will it make a difference?

If you’ve ever wondered what a difference ditching porn can make in your life, these stories are a must-read. While most of these stories are from guys, a few are from women. It’s important to remember that women struggle with porn, too as well as individuals of all genders; porn’s impact does not discriminate.

Everyone’s experience with giving up porn will be different, but research shows abstaining from porn can foster higher self-esteem,Koletić G. (2017). Longitudinal associations between the use of sexually explicit material and adolescents' attitudes and behaviors: A narrative review of studies. Journal of adolescence, 57, 119–133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adolescence.2017.04.006Copy  higher quality sexual intimacy, more relationship satisfaction,Maddox, A. M., Rhoades, G. K., & Markman, H. J. (2011). Viewing sexually-explicit materials alone or together: Associations with relationship quality. Archives of sexual behavior, 40(2), 441–448. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-009-9585-4Copy  less brain fog, better focus, more energy, better mental health,Koletić G. (2017). Longitudinal associations between the use of sexually explicit material and adolescents' attitudes and behaviors: A narrative review of studies. Journal of adolescence, 57, 119–133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adolescence.2017.04.006Copy  and better sexual stamina.Bőthe, B., Tóth-Király, I., Griffiths, M. D., Potenza, M. N., Orosz, G., & Demetrovics, Z. (2021). Are sexual functioning problems associated with frequent pornography use and/or problematic pornography use? Results from a large community survey including males and females. Addictive Behaviors, 112, 106603. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106603Copy 

But see for yourself. Try it this No Porn November.

The most incredible freedom

Some of these individual experiences below are excerpts from our organization’s supporters and personal stories we’ve been sent. Our blog, videos, and podcast episodes contain even more personal stories, of people who have given up porn and changed their lives in the process. We think you’ll be inspired to give it up yourself, or at least try ditching it to see what a difference a porn-free life can make.

“I cannot even begin to explain to you what freedom I have found from locking myself out of porn on my phone. I’m happy. I have never been this happy before.

I’m not depressed anymore. I smile all the time. I’m full of life and energy again. Being free has changed my life. It has been the most beautiful thing to me. Life is so good. I hope somebody who can’t stop watching porn reads this and understands that freedom feels so good. No longer am I depressed, or lonely, or full of self-hatred. Yes, I’m single, but I don’t feel lonely. I love life now. There is hope.

Related: My First Girlfriend Showed Me Porn, I was Instantly Hooked—Here’s How I Finally Quit

I didn’t stop watching pornography for a relationship, and no one had to convince me to stop. I stopped watching for myself and my well-being. I also stopped watching for women in videos who are being hurt. I will never know them, but I stopped watching for them.

I stopped watching so that I don’t contribute to any videos being produced ever again.”


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Interest in a relationship, not just sex

“I can’t tell you all how much happier I am since I’ve stopped watching porn.

I’ve been single a long time and still am, but I’m actually interested in finding something special in a girl instead of just sex. I can’t say enough how much I love what you guys are doing; seeing your page and liking it is what made me quit.

Related: Why I’ve Been Happier Since I Stopped Watching Porn

I was so unhappy with my life, not being able to find someone. Just waking up happy every morning is awesome. It’s like a drug, no doubt about it.

Withdrawals are pretty intense from it, but once you’re through it, you realize how awful the porn industry is. It’s so scary to think about how big the industry is.

Thank you FTND!! Keep doing what you all are doing, you’ve helped lots of people including myself.”


Watch: How Porn Can Impact Mental Health

Improved mental health

“I went a solid six months without watching porn and I noticed how my depression was absent as well. I felt happier, life seemed very enjoyable, and I felt connected to the people around me, while before, porn had caused me to feel dehumanized to society.

Related: Watching Porn Might Be Making You More Lonely

I battled being on and off and on again with porn, until 2013, when I truly made a breakthrough and went a full year without seeing it.

Even to this day, I have not viewed a single porn image or video. Since that day of October 24, 2013, my depression has not shown up once in my life. I’ve surrounded myself with people who remind me that I don’t need porn to find happiness or pleasure.”


Growing a legacy of freedom and health

“Outgrowing porn before getting married has prevented so much pain, and brought so much happiness.

My daughter and son are growing up with a porn-free dad. I’m so excited to give them the support and guidance I wish my parents had given me. In fact, we’ve already begun! It’s never too early for age-appropriate conversations about sexuality.

As the kids get older, we’ll explore what it means to be healthy, and why porn is so harmful. I’ll tell them my story. Because it’s their story, too. And as a family, we’ll pass on a legacy of freedom and a healthy understanding of sex to future generations.

Related: Drew’s Story: How My Fiancée Inspired Me to Quit Porn Permanently

For years, pornography controlled my brain and body. Because of this, I hated myself. Not anymore. I love the person I am becoming.

I’m free to pursue the life I really want as an adult without harming myself or others in the process. Porn was a pacifier that kept me immobilized and immature. Without it, I’ve grown up into a principled partner, a faithful father, and a healthy human being.

Freedom from porn is such a beautiful gift: to ourselves, to those who love us, and to the world. But we can’t force it. Increased pressure to change often produces the opposite effect. Encouragement to “try harder” never helped me. I needed a softer approach, one without shame as the primary motivator.”


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Higher self-esteem

It has been over a year since I cut porn completely out of my life, and the results have surprised me. I did this due to the vicarious trauma of being in a relationship with someone addicted to porn, and due to my own sobering experience with porn.

When I walk down the street I now see people as people. An overly simple statement, but let me explain.

I no longer see bits of bodies that I judge on their level of sexual attractiveness. These used to flash before me, especially directly after watching porn. I see people as human beings without objectifying them, but the main difference is that I have more respect for myself.

Related: I Have More Respect for Myself After Quitting Porn

I respect my body more, and I wear what I feel like wearing with confidence, without feeling like I am on display and being judged in the same way. This is more liberating than any porn I have watched.

I have had a life of an extreme amount of brutal challenges, but nothing has undone me as a woman as much as being the partner of someone obsessed with porn. Nothing.”


Watch: How Porn Fuels Sex Trafficking

More control over life

“For the 10 years of my addiction, I didn’t pursue my dreams. I didn’t discover my hobbies. For 10 years I played video games, watched tv, and watched porn. That was pretty much my life. Yes, I went out with friends and did social things, but when no one was around, that’s all I did.

Now that porn is out of my life, I can pursue my dreams again. Before porn, I used to love writing. I abandoned writing for the high that pornography provided. With my extra time, I’m beginning to write again. I’m reading a lot too. Reading helps me grow and develop into a better a person. Reading and writing are helping me live the life I want to live.

Related: Keeley’s Story: How Letting Go of Shame Helped Me to Stop Watching Porn

I don’t have many regrets in my life, but if I’m being honest, I do have just one. I regret letting porn overtake my life and my time. I can’t begin to describe how much I want the last decade back.

The relationships I could have had and the growth I could have experienced. Porn prohibited me from having any real relationships. By taking up hundreds and hundreds of hours of my life, porn stunted me from growing as a person. I cry every time I think about the decade that porn addiction stole from me.

I cry for what I lost. At the same time, I cry for my escape. I cry tears of joy knowing I’ve won.

Porn no longer has any control over me. Porn no longer has any place in my life. For 10 years I was addicted. Those 10 years of my life were wasted. Those 10 years of my life vanished before my eyes. I thought I’d never get out, but because of Fight the New Drug, I’m free. I’m finally free from porn. And I’m NEVER going back.”



As a woman, the shame kept me down

“For a total of six years, I suffered deeply because of my struggle with porn. Finally, at 21 years old, I was reading a book that talked about how if we keep our burdens secret, we will never be free from them. And it took me reaching the bottom of myself to know that I could no longer do this on my own. I needed to reach out.

After completely breaking down one day, I had to make a choice to continue living like this in silence or let my struggle be known. I reached out to a friend, and I spilled my heart to her. Literally, as the words ‘I have a problem with porn’ left my mouth, it was as if a physical weight was lifted from me.

After choosing to release my private shame and lay down the burden I carried, I am now three and a half years free from pornography and have never looked back. Since breaking free, there has been an abundance of healing, love, and forgiveness in my life. I now get to hold fast to love and feel its true meaning.

Related: Can Women Get Addicted to Watching Porn?

Let it be known there is absolutely nothing normal about pornography! It’s not just a problem for men or an ‘adult only’ problem. As a 15-year-old girl, I was still just a child when I began a long, painful road of addiction. It’s a cultural and world problem. Men, women, and children get exposed to porn every day, and it seems to be ‘normal’ in society. But it doesn’t have to be.

Now, at age 25, I proudly and openly share my story in hopes of shedding some light on what porn can do to your life. I fight because I have successfully kicked porn out of my life, and I will continue to stand for those who suffer in silence because they feel like they can’t speak up out of shame.

When we stop giving porn power over our lives, that’s when we can break free from it and let true love and healing in. It was opening my mouth and saying it out loud that helped me overcome my struggle with porn and brought me to where I am today.”


FTND Resources

A movement of hope

The facts and research show how unhealthy porn is to consumers, and these stories reinforce that life and love are so much better and richer without porn. Do yourself a favor and ditch it this No Porn November—you deserve so much better.

Can you crush this No Porn November challenge and even go beyond that? Try it, and see what happens. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed with your results, and you’ll learn something about yourself, too.

Need help?

For those reading this who feel they are struggling with pornography, you are not alone. Check out Fortify, a science-based recovery platform dedicated to helping you find lasting freedom from pornography. Fortify now offers a free experience for both teens and adults. Connect with others, learn about your unwanted porn habit, and track your recovery journey. There is hope—sign up today.


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