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Kennedy’s Story: How Pornography Influences Our Culture’s Idea of Beauty

Kennedy is an impressive full-time student working toward both a high school diploma and an associate’s degree. She also participates in speech and debate, and mock trials....

By November 16, 2020No Comments

Kennedy is an impressive full-time student working toward both a high school diploma and an associate’s degree. She also participates in speech and debate, and mock trials. When she saw an advertisement that her city was hosting a pageant, she wasn’t sure if it was for her.

However, when she decided to enter, she ended up winning First Attendant, Miss Congeniality, Director’s Choice Award, and the Talent Award. Her talent? Giving a speech on the way we view beauty in our society.

Kennedy recognizes how pornography influences our society’s standards of beauty, and she is spreading awareness that youth her age often view porn as harmless entertainment but are largely unaware of the destructive lies created by the porn industry.