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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #379
Hi, I’m really excited to be part of this community since I watched your documentary. It is something that changed my view of life.
Impact Journal #264
Thank you so much for what you do! I often feel so overwhelmed by the problem of pornography and how it feeds the sex trafficking industry and destroys relationships. People have written off my claims that pornography is harmful because they assume it’s a moral stance, when really, I’m just trying to help people understand how horrible porn is. It’s so helpful that you guys have timely research and articles that I can share with people and the fact that you are not religiously affiliated helps me to make my case. Thank you!
Impact Journal #701
I appreciate you guys doing this. I send a lot of your resources to my friends who struggle to try and help them, so keep it up.
Impact Journal #192
Seriously love y’all and your mission so much. I’ll always be a supporter!
Impact Journal #282
33 years of porn addiction; 34 months now of freedom! You guys are one tool I use in the battle. Thanks!
Impact Journal #277
Hi, I'm here to tell you—whoever you are behind this profile—that your work is absolutely impeccable. Please stay THIS active. Don't ever feel down, even if the majority of people will be against you. Just show the reality because the world needs it and you're doing it perfectly well. Thank you. Really, thank you.
Impact Journal #245
Just wanted to share something with y’all. I’m an accountability partner for my best friend, and y’all’s content really helps because I’m able to let him know about the horrors of porn for both the viewers AND the performers. I shared this with him because it helped me in my fight. After getting that insight into pornography, it was easier to fight that temptation because I didn’t want to contribute to hurting others. Because of that, I’m able to help #StopTheDemand.
@Fight For Love
Fight For Love
Impact Journal #302
Your articles and documentary have helped me so much with my fight. I’m very fortunate to have you guys work so hard every day to help me. So, thanks for everything you’ve done for me and for people around the world.
Impact Journal #363
It is an honor to help fight with you and your team, even if it’s just a conversation from the t-shirts to start. Truly from the most genuine part of my heart, this organization has changed my life and I cannot express my gratitude enough.
Impact Journal #303
Hey, I appreciate what y’all are doing. You’ve really helped me reshape my mental narrative toward porn which has really helped me quit. Big thanks to all of you.
@Porn Kills Love
Porn Kills Love
Impact Journal #393
Thank you for this docuseries! It opened my eyes to the natural effects of this habit and not that I am some rotten person who can’t escape porn. I feel free to dream again, lift up my head, and find/do things that pique my interest, and let my brain heal.
Impact Journal #75
FTND, I just wanted to say thank you. I’m 18 now and I was first exposed to hardcore pornography as a 10-year-old. Right now, I’m 3-4 weeks clean. I’ve never abstained from porn for this long since around 2015 or so. I just don’t know how to show my gratitude to everyone who’s helped me get here, especially you guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Impact Journal #45
What you’re doing is so essential to help people engage in healthy, lasting relationships. My marriage was deeply affected by porn. Everything you say is true, I witnessed it firsthand. Once the ‘secret’ was out we were finally able to address all the problems porn caused and it has been a years-long process. As a wife, it’s utterly gut-wrenching to find out your partner was betraying your trust and destroying intimacy in your marriage by using porn. My husband became withdrawn, uninterested in me, irritable, and his behavior completely changed. He was doing a multitude of other things that were destructive to himself and our relationship. Deception became normal, and more extreme behaviors became OK. Our marriage was robbed of true love and intimacy by porn. My husband has so much more awareness now. He’s at a local Fight the New Drug presentation with our sons right now! Thanks for everything you’re doing!
Impact Journal #492
The documentary was captivating. I enjoyed how it not only gave scientific data on the harmful effects of pornography but also ended with hope for those entrenched in this epidemic.
Impact Journal #271
Thanks!! Your posts have been really helpful for me since I decided to quit porn for good a few months ago.

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