Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Thank you for speaking out on the facts around this. Most people still don’t understand how porn impacts partners because it’s still so acceptable in our society.

Just wanted to say thanks for what you guys do! My husband quit porn 17 months ago and hasn't gone back since. We really love your page. We got married when I was 19 and he was 23, and he lied about his addiction for a year during our 3 years of marriage. But now he's free from it, and is happier than ever and makes great choices and our relationship is so much better even though it has been tough. The honesty that has come from it has been amazing. Keep doing what you're doing!!

I recently searched about whether porn stars enjoyed their jobs. I ran across one of your articles about that very subject. To say it was eye-opening is an understatement. Thank you for your work. It’s necessary!

Thank you! My boyfriend was able to find all the resources and help he needed to effectively combat his addiction through FTND, so we’re very grateful for the work you do!

As a long-time porn addict, I appreciate the science behind this video. I am also grateful for the courageous young people who have come forward with their stories. Thank you for the work you are doing.

I appreciate you guys doing this. I send a lot of your resources to my friends who struggle to try and help them, so keep it up.

Thank you for being a beacon of hope in a time when I felt so low.

I love this page and the content that it shares. I was listening to the “Consider Before Consuming” podcast one day in my room, and it was the one with Terry Crews. Right then, something in my brain clicked, and from then on I’ve never watched porn or even had interest in being friends with people on social media who share graphic things. I was so enlightened. And it just CLICKED! My brain clicked! And from then on, I’ve never seen or watched any porn at all anymore. I really appreciate this page and you guys are so freaking awesome! I love you guys! Y’all are the best! You guys have changed my life and enlightened me, and educated me on how negatively porn affects me. I now don’t think there’s anything positive about porn, and I’ve never looked back. I was set free. I have so much respect and love for you guys. #PornKillsLove

Wow, this is such a good documentary series! I struggle more with objectifying others, but it’s a similar concept for sure! Really encouraging.

Hello, I wanted to offer my thanks for your help. Though I'm far from recovered from this habit, with help from your suggestions, I'm on my way. What you do matters and I WILL join your ranks as a recovered Fighter. Thank you again!

Porn is degradation. Porn enslaves. Porn harms individuals, families, relationships, and society. I want better for our world and the people in it, and FTND helps make the world a better place in that sense. That’s my motivation!

I love that I found you guys. My ex’s porn addiction, which grew into paying for prostitutes, ruined our family and destroyed me as a woman. It was very hard for me to understand. Finding your website has really helped and changed how I see porn addiction and what it really is. Thank you!

Thank you for what you’re doing in the world!

I just wanted to tell you thanks! You guys were my inspiration for a speech I had to give in my public speaking class! I was super passionate about the harmful effects of porn, and it was cool to see the faces change from when I first introduced my topic to my very last sentence. Keep doing great work!

Hearing how it's an everyday battle when you're on the road to recovery and freedom from porn is scary, but knowing that you're not in this alone is helpful. And really just the dreams and aspirations mentioned in the documentary put it all into perspective, that you don't want this addiction to flood into those areas in your life. Let the battle begin.