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How to Get Unstuck From a Cycle Of Watching Porn, According to a Licensed Therapist (VIDEO)

Why do people get stuck in a cycle of watching porn when they don’t want to, and what ultimately motivates them to finally get free?

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Why do people get stuck in a cycle of watching porn when they don’t want to, and what ultimately motivates them to finally get free?

Holley Jeppson a licensed clinical therapist who has worked with hundreds of individuals on how to recover from pornography. She often frequently hears phrases like the ones below from individuals struggling with pornography.

” I don’t want to be a slave to this anymore.”

“I want to improve my relationships.”

“I feel isolated and alone.”

Recovering from pornography can be challenging, but  Holley shares that there are things anyone can do to ease the healing process. Hear her advice as a licensed clinical therapist on how to recover from pornography, how to create a fulfilling and healthy life, and how Fortify can help.

Related: How Porn Can Impact Mental Health (VIDEO)

Fortify is a science-based recovery platform dedicated to helping hundreds of thousands find lasting freedom from pornography. Our affiliates at Fortify offer a free experience for both teens and adults to kickstart their recovery. Connect with others, learn about your compulsive behavior, and track your recovery journey.⁠

Access Fortify for FREE at ftnd.org/fortify.  To learn more about how pornography impacts individuals, relationships, and society, visit ftnd.org.


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