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Research shows that while feeling guilt can motivate healthy change, feeling shame actually fuels problematic porn habits.
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Over 46% of young people reported that they saw online porn for the first time when it just “popped up”, and 22% reported that someone else showed it to them when they weren’t expecting it.
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Fast Fact #23
(Fernandez, Kuss, & Griffiths, 2020)
Even quitting porn for a short time can lessen its negative effects and have positive effects on consumers' lives and relationships.
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Fast Fact #11
(Tollini & Diamond-Welch, 2021)
While most porn consumers are generally unconcerned about the potential mistreatment of porn performers, about 70% of porn consumers who do learn about mistreatment in the porn industry take some form of action to combat it, including changing their porn habits.