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Companies That Profit Off Porn: 2017’s Dirty Dozen List

Cover image: American Free Press At the beginning of each year, our friends at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) release their annual ‘Dirty Dozen List’, a...

By February 26, 2017No Comments

Cover image: American Free Press

At the beginning of each year, our friends at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) release their annual ‘Dirty Dozen List’, a who’s who compilation of leading contributors to sexual exploitation in America. The list highlights major companies and other organizations that are directly choosing to profit off pornography and/or are contributing to sexual exploitation in society.

The Washington D.C.-based nonprofit gives the public an explanation of how these major companies fuel sexual exploitation, and then lists actions that the public can take in order to persuade the ‘Dirty Dozen’ to change their policies and practices. Each year, the list pressures companies to remove sexual exploitation from their bottom line. Past successes from this list include Hilton Hotels removing porn from their hotel rooms, getting blinders put on Cosmopolitan magazines in grocery stores, and Overstock.com removing pornography from their website. One of the biggest successes in the history of the ‘Dirty Dozen’ was in the summer of 2014 when Google met with the NCOSE and responded to being on the list by making the huge decision of no longer allowing porn sites to advertise using Google AdWords.

The 2017 Dirty Dozen list includes some organizations that have been on the page for several years and have yet to make changes. Most notably, the American Library Association is on the list for the fifth year running. The NCOSE states that the American Library Association refuses to take steps to protect public-access computers from accessing porn by actively encouraging public libraries to not install internet filters on their computers. In libraries across the country, adults and children can access hardcore porn in a public space on a free computer. Over the last few years, many libraries have had issues with people watching porn on public computers.

Curious to see who is on the list this year? Here are the heavy hitters who are contributing to sexual exploitation in our country right now:

Amnesty International – Amnesty International is a non-government organization that focuses on human rights. However, the organization supports efforts to legalize prostitution. They believe that brothels and pimps should be protected as sex business operators, and give prostitutes the ability to perform “sex work” freely. This view clearly fuels the sex trafficking industry that is inseparably tied to prostitution and encourages the purchase of human beings for sex.

Related: Germany’s Legalized Prostitution Industry Looks Like A Real-Life Horror Movie (PHOTOS)

Comcast – Comcast Corporation provides numerous services including broadcasting and cable television, home phone services, and high-speed Internet. Unfortunately, Comcast’s Xfinity also pushes pornography via its video-on-demand and premium channel services. The National Center on Sexual Exploitation encourages Comcast to adopt an easy “opt-in” model for its internet service, where users can simply choose whether or not they want their service to be filtered for porn or not. Comcast’s current internet service requires customers who wish to block porn to jump through complicated hoops to filter their service.

Related: British Government Seeks To Verify Age Of Porn Site Visitors

Twitter – For years, the popular social media platform has facilitated the distribution of massive amounts of hardcore pornography. Media reports suggest that as many as 10 million Twitter accounts may include explicit sexual content and that 1 in every 1,000 tweets is pornographic. Twitter’s non-existent policy for reporting pornography and casual approach to the issue on its platform sexually explicit content has seriously affected its ability to be a safe and user-friendly environment.

Related: Exposing Twitter’s Massive Porn Problem

For the full Dirty Dozen List, visit the NCOSE’s official website.

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