Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

You guys really help. You allow me to quote neatly compiled facts rather than mere subjective preference to show how porn damages love and the consumer. People can choose to ignore the evidence, but they can't pretend it's just opinion. Thank you for what you do.

Amazing! Your messaging, cause, and merch are so great!

I want to thank you for all the work you have been doing. At the beginning of last year, I got conscious about the real problem of pornography, and since then, I have been on a continuous fight. With wins and fails on quitting porn forever, I'm still on a long journey, but am much closer to the final objective. Soon I will finally be free, achieve the best version of myself, and discover true love.

I wanted to send a quick message just to thank y'all for all you do. I am a high school teacher and this is the second year I have assigned your Brain, Heart, World documentary to my students. They really enjoyed it and learned a lot. One of my students told me today how passionate she has now become about this issue and has started having conversations with her own family and friends about it. Definitely some new Fighters out there for sure! So from one Fighter to another, thank you for the work you do. Know that it definitely does make a difference and you are definitely accomplishing your mission to educate about the harmful effects of pornography to the world! Thank you again.

I’m a long-time user of pornography and I know firsthand how destructive its effects are in one’s personal life. I’m deeply changed since abstaining and I would like to do my part to bring awareness to those who are addicted and prevention to young children/adults before they are exposed to it. Thank you for the work that you do! #FTND

Your organization is doing so much good. You are giving people an outlet who want to get out of the pornography cycle, and educating people who don’t to possibly understand the potential effects that porn can have on the brain and relationships. Also, what I love is that you teach that hope is not lost. Change is always attainable. You can have relationships, you can help others. Thank you again for all the work you do. I remember 5 years ago when you came to my high school and spoke. It has been the only school assembly I remember today. I know that you must receive criticism and opposition to what you do but keep going. You are truly making a difference. Thank you again.

FTND was a huge help as I was healing from a breakup with a self-professed porn addict. Your resources helped me to understand what porn was doing to him and to our relationship. My self-esteem suffered greatly while I was with him and after we broke up. But it has since recovered leaps and bounds thanks in large part to FTND. Thanks for doing what you’re doing.

I just wanted to tell you thanks! You guys were my inspiration for a speech I had to give in my public speaking class! I was super passionate about the harmful effects of porn, and it was cool to see the faces change from when I first introduced my topic to my very last sentence. Keep doing great work!

This was truly life-changing for me. This completely altered my thought process and I will never view porn the same way again!

My wife and I would like to express our appreciation for all that you do. Both of us had struggled with pornography in the past before we met. It was definitely something we bonded over and that brought us closer together, sharing our past struggles, why we went through it, etc. Now, we both fight for real love, and we stand up for what is right. Pornography steals so much out of what real love is meant to be, and both of us have promised to keep each other accountable and to never go back. Real love IS worth fighting for!

FTND has opened our eyes to a problem that is only getting worse! Pornography is no laughing matter. It is breaking up families, shaming men and women across the board. FTND has opened a topic that NEEDS to be discussed with the youth of today. We have been able to have open, healthy talks with our own kids about pornography. Thanks to FTND we can talk to our daughters, their husbands, and our son openly about how destructive pornography is. Thanks, FTND! You have opened our eyes, and strengthened our relationship with our kids!

Thanks for your work, guys. The beginning of the pandemic was rough for me—I really struggled with pornography. I was doing research about it and came to your Instagram page, which led me to the podcast. I listened to like two episodes and, no word of a lie, I haven’t watched porn in at least eight months now. I can’t do it on my own, so finding your podcast was amazing. Thanks, guys.

I’m currently 17 and I am still battling against porn. Once in a while, I still get the urge to watch it. Watching your YouTube channel, and with the help of my girlfriend, I’ve been keeping away from it for a long time now. I’m really glad for all of the information your channel gave me. Thank you for helping me.

Our public screening of Brain, Heart, World went fantastic! Great discussion afterwards and all that attended will definitely be speaking up now that they know and understand!