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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #410
I really enjoyed not feeling like I’m the only one who has this problem and I’m willing to make big changes to stop my addiction. Thank you so much for making this!
Impact Journal #282
33 years of porn addiction; 34 months now of freedom! You guys are one tool I use in the battle. Thanks!
Impact Journal #600
As someone who’s struggled with porn addiction and found myself looking for more and more intense porn over time, this is a great reminder of its harmful effects. There is a lot to learn here, and it can be hard to listen to sometimes, but it’s important to get some of the heartbreaking perspective. Thank you for doing this podcast.
Impact Journal #73
I remember crying and trying to find a way to tell my parents. I was so worried about how they would react. After five minutes of sobbing in front of them, I said the words out loud that I vowed I would never say: “Mom, Dad, I’m addicted to pornography and I need your help.” The first thing my mother said was, “I am so proud of you.” The first thing my dad said was, “I have 35 years of experience with this, and I am ready to help. We can do this together. I love you.” There is nothing I believe in more than cultivating trusting relationships so that you have people to fall back on who love you perfectly and will help you always.
Impact Journal #69
Your page has helped me be able to start conversations and encourage my husband so much! It means a lot that you all work so hard to fight this with science and facts!
Impact Journal #231
Thank you for what you’re doing in the world!
Impact Journal #562
Very attention-grabbing and informative messages that help bring to light all of the darkness that is in the porn industry. Grateful for a podcast that speaks out against injustices and for love.
Impact Journal #305
I've been happier and more joyful consistently than I have been in quite a long time. One of the reasons is that I've been off porn for a month. Fight the New Drug, thank you guys for your help! You have encouraged me a lot even if you don't know it.
Impact Journal #318
Thanks for everything you guys do. Honestly, the fight is real and sometimes shame eats at me but thanks for the inspiration.
Impact Journal #264
Thank you so much for what you do! I often feel so overwhelmed by the problem of pornography and how it feeds the sex trafficking industry and destroys relationships. People have written off my claims that pornography is harmful because they assume it’s a moral stance, when really, I’m just trying to help people understand how horrible porn is. It’s so helpful that you guys have timely research and articles that I can share with people and the fact that you are not religiously affiliated helps me to make my case. Thank you!
Impact Journal #151
Thank you for being such a force for good in the world!
Impact Journal #735
I've been fighting and losing on my own for so long. Last night I had the courage to write a letter and tell my mom about my struggle. Porn has ruined so much of me and I just wanted to say thanks because your guide on how to talk to a loved one helped me finally make that push and she reacted better than I expected and I think it'll really help me turn things around
Impact Journal #229
Hello, I am grateful for the day I found your page. I have been addicted to pornography for years, and it's been a struggle. Most times, I felt helpless. I came across your page and everything was useful and informative, but I kept on indulging in my old habit. It was really a struggle but I didn't give up! For the first time in more than 10 years, I have gone three months without porn. I'm approaching my fourth month. It might be such a short time but I never believed I could not watch for this long. I have found myself. I do not intend to go back there again. The thought of porn is not even appealing to me right now. Thank you so much for all you do.