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13 Ways to Get Involved This No Porn November and Raise Awareness on Porn’s Harms

All No Porn November, we'll release content and share ways people can change the conversation about porn. Here's how you can be a part of it!

By October 31, 2022No Comments

This article contains affiliate links. Fight the New Drug may receive financial support from purchases made using affiliate links.

Decades of studies from respected institutions have demonstrated significant impacts of porn consumption on individuals, relationships, and society. No Porn November is all about giving visibility to these facts and empowering individuals to choose to be porn-free. Learn more by clicking here.

🎉  Happy No Porn November, Fighters!  🎉

Decades of studies from respected institutions have demonstrated significant impacts of porn consumption on individuals, relationships, and society.

#NoPornovember is all about giving visibility to these facts and inspiring our world to be porn-free.

Making 2022 the best #NoPornovember yet

#NoPornovember is here, and it’s off to an amazing start!

On Day 1, we activated the No Porn November challenge, and released some new much-anticipated Fighter gear! Needless to say, this year’s annual month-long awareness is going to bring the movement to more people than ever, but we need your help.

We want to give you some tips and resources so you can join the party all November long. All month, we’ll be releasing content and unveiling exciting ways that people around the world can change the conversation about pornography. And don’t forget about our annual #RepTheMovement Day on Friday, November 18th!

The three ways you can get involved this month are to educate yourself on the harmful effects of porn, educate others, and/or take the No Porn November challenge!

Here are 13 specific things you can do to be a part of changing the conversation this month.

FTND Resources

1. Join our No Porn November challenge

Follow along with us all November to learn more about the harmful effects of porn and see what this movement is all about.

#NoPornovember is an event that’s happening all month long, so check out our landing page keep up with everything and RSVP to our #NoPornovember Facebook event!

Have you ever thought about giving up porn for good? Try it this month for 30 days to see what can happen.

Feeling like you need some support to accomplish the challenge? Our affiliates at Fortify can help! Fortify is an online recovery platform dedicated to helping individuals find lasting freedom from pornography. Learn, connect, and track your recovery journey.

Plus, it’s free to use! Try it out for #NoPornovember. What do you have to lose?

Related: The Real Meaning of No Porn November & How You Can Get Involved

For Fighters who want to speak up and create real change, we challenge you to check out our Get The Facts articles this month to become well-rounded in your knowledge of what we’re fighting for. Share, repost, or retweet something that speaks to you. Help others get educated by bringing the movement to them.

For more details, visit And make sure to follow FTND on Facebook, InstagramTwitterPinterest, YouTube, and TikTok!

2. Donate to Fight the New Drug

Did you know FTND is a 501(c)3 nonprofit? We would not be where we are today without the incredible, continued support of our worldwide network of Fighters.

All of your donations to this fight for love are tax-deductible in the U.S. and directly used to develop new resources, translate materials, and reach more people around the world.

3. RSVP to our #RepTheMovement event on Facebook

Fighters, get ready to sport your favorite Fighter gear on #RepTheMovement Day! On Friday, November 18th, you and millions of other Fighters have the option to rep one of our conversation-starting tees, or a tee from another organization whose message resonates with you, to educate others on the harms of pornography and sexual exploitation.

Remember to tag us on social media (@fightthenewdrug) and use #RepTheMovement and #NoPornovember wherever you post on November 18th!

Don’t have Fighter gear yet? There’s still time! Grab some new Fighter Gear and enjoy sale pricing all November long!

Not sure what to say when someone asks “what does ‘Porn Kills Love’ mean?” and other questions about your Fighter gear? Check out this guide.

For more inspiration on how to get involved during #NoPornovember, visit! RSVP to our Facebook event by clicking HERE:

4. Host a screening of our documentary series, Brain, Heart, World (especially on November 12th!)

As the world has spent more time online in daily life, there has also been an increase in pornography consumption across the globe.​ Campaigns like #NoPornovember give us the opportunity to band together as Fighters to educate ourselves and others on the harms of pornography.

Given the ever-growing body of research, it can no longer be denied that repeated porn exposure has a tangible effect on consumers, and is connected to declining relationship satisfaction as well as various forms of exploitation.

This isn’t a moral argument, it’s simply something to consider given the facts. Brain, Heart, World exists to provide people with the opportunity to make an educated decision regarding pornography by highlighting its documented neurological, relational, and societal harmful effects.

That’s why we’re hosting our annual Brain, Heart, World virtual screening day this year on November 12th! Join Fighters from across the globe to stream ​our three-part documentary, Brain, Heart, World, from the comfort of your own home.

RSVP on Facebook to our Brain, Heart, World screening event below to get reminders!

By participating, you’re joining with a global community of Fighters and taking the time to get educated on this important issue. Click here to join by creating an account and stream the series for free.

Watch the trailer for the documentary, right here:

BHW - General

5. Go through our Let’s Talk About Porn conversation resource

Want to have a conversation with porn with someone, but you’re not sure how or when? We’ve got your back! Look no further than our site, Let’s Talk About Porn—A Conversation Blueprint.

Every day, since this movement started in 2009, we’ve been messaged and emailed by countless individuals from all around the world, asking how they can start conversations about porn with loved ones or strangers. No matter who you might want to talk to for what reason concerning porn, this resource is for you.

We’ve got interactive conversation guides for parents, partners, friends, kids, and strangers. Explore the site by clicking here or on the image below!

Conversation Blueprint

6. Try giving up porn for 30 days, as part of our #NoPornovember challenge

This #NoPornovember, we’re encouraging people to give up porn for 30 days and see what happens. Get it? No Porn November = #NoPornovember.

If you’re interested in doing this challenge, but you’re not entirely sure where to start, check out our affiliates at Fortify.

Fortify is a science-based recovery tool to help individuals quit pornography through comprehensive training, real-time analytics, and interactive support so that more people can find greater happiness and lasting love.

For·ti·fy literally means to make strong, or stronger. To strengthen a place, making it defensible and more secure. To impart physical strength or endurance to; invigorate or reinforce someone mentally or physically.

Fortify is an online support community for men and women—young and old—seeking lasting freedom from porn. In addition to a series of instructional videos and accompanying training, Fortify offers many opportunities for individuals to share insights and stories together. Free versions of the platform are available for both youth and adults.


7. Get our brand new Fighter gear

Each No Porn November we release new Fighter gear to commemorate our activism, get people ready for #RepTheMovement Day, and remind our Fighters that change begins with one.

This year, we are releasing some limited-edition gear that will inspire you to spark conversations and fight for love with style, including new tote bags, sweatshirts, and new tees!

There are limited quantities of some of our seasonal items, so you’ll want to grab them before they’re gone!

Click here to browse our new tee designs, too. Available for now, but not forever!

Store - General

8. Join the Street Team

Consider this: Thanks to decades of studies from major institutions, there is an ever-growing body of research demonstrating significant negative impacts of pornography consumption for individuals, relationships, and society.

Why not apply the same consideration we have for what we consume and do to something that could very well actually be harming us and those we love? Why not consider the science that says porn is harmful before saying “yes” to consuming it?

This is not some sort of moral argument, it’s just something to think about. So, give it a minute, and consider the risks. Consider before consuming.

#NoPornovember is all about changing the conversation about porn, and there is perhaps no better way to do that than joining our global Street Team.

When you become a Street Team Fighter (kit pictured below) you go a step further and become the movement in your community.

By joining the team or grabbing a kit, you get the amazing opportunity to make a real and meaningful impact in this fight, right in your own city. We’ll send you some rad gear that you can wear, post, and share.

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple act to help start a conversation. Get started—become a foot soldier in the fight for love by grabbing this information-packed kit or joining the Porn Kills Love Street Team! Plus, you get gear that can’t be found separately in our store.

Digital Downloads

9. Listen to our podcast, Consider Before Consuming

Have you listened yet to Fight the New Drug’s podcast, Consider Before Consuming?

Until now, we’ve created resources including conversation-starting apparelthought-provoking video campaignssocial images and infographics to spark conversations on social mediaover 1,300 blog posts to help educate the millions of people visiting every year, and our three-part docuseries that’s great for all ages and free to watchWe also give interactive and age-appropriate school presentations. Added to that list is Consider Before Consuming.

Join us every other week as we consider the harmful effects of pornography using science, facts, and personal accounts. But, we’re not just inviting you to consider the potential negative consequences of pornography but also the benefits to a life free of porn and its influence.

In each episode of Consider Before Consuming, we discuss the science and research behind the negative effects of pornography so we can better understand the issue and help connect people with the facts they need to make an informed decision on porn.

In every episode, we sit down with an expert, public figure, survivor, or fellow Fighter to hear their thoughts or personal experiences surrounding this topic in each unique episode. You might laugh, you might cry, but you’ll definitely think about how porn influences the world around you.

You might laugh, you might cry, but you’ll definitely think about how porn influences the world around you.

Click below to listen now!

Podcast - Terry

10. Join Fighter Club or make a one-time donation

If you consider yourself a dedicated Fighter, our exclusive Fighter Club is the place for you. As a nonprofit, we rely on people just like you to help take the movement to the next level.

By partnering with us monthly to support this movement, you will make an incredibly valuable contribution that helps us to more effectively educate youth and advocate for awareness across the globe.


The support from Fighter Club members directly fund our awareness campaign around the world and even help those struggling with pornography for as little as $10 a month.

By being a member of the Fighter Club (FC), you’ll get all-exclusive Secret Store access with merch only available for FC members, early access to all Fighter Gear, store discounts, insider reports, news updates from the frontlines of the movement, and more.

Or, if monthly support isn’t your thing, one-time donations or regular donations under $10 can be made here.

Every #NoPornovember, FC members are granted early access to our brand new merch, and were able to grab it before it went public. Whatever is going on behind-the-scenes with FTND, you’ll be the first to know about it. (Plus, these exclusive FC tee shirts can’t be purchased in our online store, but we’ll send you one when you sign up for the club!)

Donate Now
11. Read our research-packed Get the Facts articles

Decades of studies from respected academic institutions have demonstrated significant impacts of porn consumption for individuals, relationships, and society.

Each of the 15 articles on our Get the Facts page summarizes relevant research on a specific topic surrounding porn’s harms to help you be more informed and more empowered with the facts.

Get The Facts

12. Bring us to you

Fight the New Drug provides informative and entertaining presentations that inspire students to join thousands of others around the world who avoid pornography, while speaking openly about a typically uncomfortable topic.

The facts are presented in an interactive and exciting way to help teens get the facts! We will be booking school and community presentations as availability allows for 2023! Get more info and book a presentation HERE.

Live Presentations

13. #RepTheMovement all November—especially on November 18th!

#RepTheMovement Day is on Friday, November 18th! But never fear, we won’t judge you if you rep your Fighter gear all month long before then. (Especially considering how we’ll have sales on Fighter gear all month long!)

After all, we’re all about sparking conversations whenever possible. Not only can you spread the word by spreading facts online, you can also do it with a bold statement that will turn heads and start thoughtful conversations.

Our online store is full of powerful tees with even more powerful messages, and we just debuted more last month and on November 1! From apparel to sticker packs to posters, we’ve got you covered with the latest and trendiest ways to rep the movement.

Shop our online store HERE to show the world that you fight for love, and spark meaningful conversations in your community.

Get Involved

Get involved in this fight for love. SHARE this article to help others learn about the movement and why we are raising awareness on the harms of porn.

Support this resource

Thanks for reading our article! Fight the New Drug is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which means the educational resources we create are made possible through donations from people like you. Join Fighter Club for as little as $10/month and help us educate on the harms of porn!


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