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Top 3 Reasons People Quit Porn, According to a Therapist (VIDEO)

Watch a licensed clinical therapist discuss what compulsivity to porn looks like and the top reasons why people quit watching porn.

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Has watching porn become a go-to solution for boredom, stress, anger, or when you can’t sleep? Do you feel like your porn habit is uncontrollable? How can you even quit porn, anyway?

Watch Holley Jeppson, a licensed clinical therapist, discuss what compulsivity to porn looks like and the top three reasons why people quit watching porn.

Related: Why You Keep Going Back to Porn After Trying to Quit

Fortify is a science-based recovery platform dedicated to helping people find lasting freedom from pornography. Our affiliates at Fortify offer a free experience for both teens and adults. Connect with others, learn about your compulsive behavior, and track your recovery journey.⁠

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