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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #8
I can honestly say that discovering FTND was a massive breath of fresh air! My relationship got off to a rocky start due to discovering that my boyfriend watched porn. It made me feel extremely negative in so many ways, and yet I was made to feel that it was my issue because, “Porn is not a big deal! It’s not cheating!” Thankfully, four years on, we are more on the same page with the subject of porn. I fully support FTND and will be spreading the word!
Impact Journal #180
Your movement and the material that comes with it have been a huge part of this change in me, and now I’m ready to give you something back by supporting this movement.
Impact Journal #295
Before I found this account, I had been struggling with porn addiction to a point that it was all I could think about. I knew it was bad for me, but I did it anyways, which hurt way more, by the way. Then I found FTND in the fall of 2019, and ever since then, my fight has been so much better and less one-sided. Yes, I have had bumps in the road during my fight, but it has not discouraged me. Instead, it motivated me to do even better and to not make those mistakes again. Thank you so much for helping me with something I have been struggling with for the past 6 years of my life. You’re keeping me strong and motivated every day.
Impact Journal #457
Great docuseries! It spoke truthfully of the harmful effects of porn with compassion for those suffering from the addiction. The smiles of the people recovering were captivating, which shows that there is true joy in the continued battle for freedom.
Impact Journal #63
My wife and I would like to express our appreciation for all that you do. Both of us had struggled with pornography in the past before we met. It was definitely something we bonded over and that brought us closer together, sharing our past struggles, why we went through it, etc. Now, we both fight for real love, and we stand up for what is right. Pornography steals so much out of what real love is meant to be, and both of us have promised to keep each other accountable and to never go back. Real love IS worth fighting for!
Impact Journal #732
I just want to express my gratitude for this account. I am recovering from betrayal trauma in past relationships. My relationship now is anti-porn and we do proactive things about it, e.g. discussing your account. My healing journey has been easier since following you. Thank you for your work.
Impact Journal #99
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me. I feel much more prepared and confident for having conversations about porn. There are some really helpful points in all of your articles. I really appreciate it!
Impact Journal #387
* The teenagers laughed and learned a lot at the same time while watching the docuseries. What a great resource to have educational videos. It’s well done and honest. There is plenty we don’t know, but there is plenty of research to back up the anecdotal evidence too. Great nonprofit, Fight the New Drug, so thanks for producing Brain Heart World!
Impact Journal #479
This documentary needs to be shown in ALL schools! Very educational!
Impact Journal #27
FTND has provided me with lots of information regarding the negative reality of the porn industry and the effects viewing pornography has on the consumer. Your website features really informative articles packed with science and facts on the truth about porn and how it affects things like the brain of the consumer, relationships, intimacy, and even society at large. I will support this cause for as long as I live and breathe on this planet. The fact that you aim to impact the most vulnerable of the population, youth, makes me feel like this work needs to continue so long as pornography remains a public health crisis.
Impact Journal #255
Hello, I have been following your movement for a couple of years now and I just wanted to say thank you for everything you guys do! I have been free from porn for more than 5 years now, but it was still hard for me to stop! It does get easier with time. I have an awesome friend group and mom who I talk to when I am struggling and they help me get through it! It does help to talk about it! I have been so scared to rep the movement because of shame even though I haven't watched porn for years now. I finally feel that I can rep the movement with pride and I just wanted to say THANK YOU again!
Impact Journal #87
I just want to thank you for the dedicated work you are putting in daily. My exposure to porn started before I was a teenager and while I spent much of my high school and college years being open about the struggle and “wanting” to quit, my addiction to it grew inside of my marriage. Instead of dealing with feelings of resentment with my wife, I fled to fantasy in porn and eventually adultery. While I willingly accept total responsibility for my sexual brokenness and all its consequences, it took getting caught five years ago to bring about the seeds of recovery that have really taken deep root. I discovered you on Instagram less than a year ago and have told my recovery group, my new wife, my friends, and anyone who will listen about the quality work you are doing. If only I had known about you eight years ago, even though I was not willing to give up my behavior. Now, more than ever, your facts, research, and movement have done nothing but fill me with hope and gratitude.
Impact Journal #549
Thank you for your time of producing something so informative! I wish this kind of media would have been around when I was exposed at 11 years old.
Impact Journal #742
I have felt like I am worth the time I put into my self. I let go of the shame I carried as being a viewer, a secret life that no one knew about. I am who I authentically want to be. People see this person and know this person. I'm doing a 5K run in a couple weeks that I've been training for. I'm glad to find this platform. I have tried to quit before, and when looking for resources, I could only find some that had religious reasonings and it was hard to find something that was science and fact-based
Impact Journal #84
Porn has been a lifelong struggle and I’m a big supporter of your organization. My fiancé introduced me to you. He loves you guys!