Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Great factual information to understand what happens to the brain when watching porn and how. It’s appropriate for a wide age range and is non-judgmental. The aim seems to be to fix a devastating problem.

Thank you for posting your articles! They feel so close to home and I also really needed to hear another Fighter couple’s journey!

I’m going to change my life today. I promise. I am going to do it. I want to regain control of my life, so I’m going to break the chains. I promise I will. Thank you!

I most enjoyed the hope this documentary gave that my brain can recover from my porn addiction. I’ve read that repeated engagement with porn is like blazing a well-worn path in the brain–a path I wasn’t sure could ever not be frequently walked. But this gave me so much hope. That well-worn path in my brain that’s been blazed by viewing porn can regrow into a field of flowers again, free from the familiarity and grasp of porn. Thank you for this beautiful resource.

Replacing my streaming subscription with a donation to you guys. Happy to put my money to better use.

Every word spoken on the podcast has made me a better person for having listened to it. I've consumed pornography since I was a kid, and I've been disgusted with it for a very long time but still relapse. Jane Doe’s testimony is maybe the single most motivating thing I've encountered in overcoming my “need” for porn.

I’m currently 17 and I am still battling against porn. Once in a while, I still get the urge to watch it. Watching your YouTube channel, and with the help of my girlfriend, I’ve been keeping away from it for a long time now. I’m really glad for all of the information your channel gave me. Thank you for helping me.

Porn has been a lifelong struggle and I’m a big supporter of your organization. My fiancé introduced me to you. He loves you guys!

I wanted to share anonymously that I'm two years porn-free. This is in part because I’m following you on social media. I've referred people to you as a source. Thanks for your work!

Y’all give me hope for my brothers and sisters who are struggling. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

I just want to thank you for your amazing work and conscientious awareness. I am from France but I think what you're saying about this topic should be more promoted.

I really liked the comparisons used in this video to help youth and laypersons understand the science behind brain activity. The episode was short and sweet. I will watch it again and hopefully be able to share it with my partner who watches porn currently. I am a nursing student and am fascinated by this movement, as it is fundamentally promoting awareness on individual and public health. Every little bit helps! Keep producing and spreading awareness across the world!! I will keep donating from now on! I’m so happy to have found a cause I can really get behind because it is unique and something I hold very close to my heart.

Absolutely amazing documentary series. I’ve been addicted to porn for as long as I can remember, and I’m 24 now—I started viewing when I was eight. This was a huge eye-opener, and it also made me feel not so alone in my fight. Thank you for creating this.

Hey! Literally no one knows but me, and now you, that it was ever an issue, but today is my first anniversary of being clean from porn and I really wanted to tell someone! This is the longest I’ve gone in 20 years! And also, I wanted to thank you. It has been really helpful to see y’alls posts daily and be reminded that I don’t actually want it. It’s 3:40 am as I’m writing this and I’m just so happy because I never thought I’d make it this long. THANK YOU!

Your work is significant in empowering better generations ahead. Thank you for your hard work.