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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #686
Thanks for the work you all do. Looks like humanity needs you.
Impact Journal #54
I just wanted to thank you for what you do as an organization. It is remarkable and so necessary. Three years ago, I was addicted to pornography. Like, “watching it three times a day” addicted. The results left me numb. Hopeless. And in a lot of ways, it left me lifeless. I’m glad to say that I’m almost two years removed from pornography and married to the girl of my dreams. And I’m able to help my friends do the same. In part, it’s because of what you guys do. You, among other forms of accountability, helped change my perspective and really fight this toxic influence that was in my life. So thank you for that.
Impact Journal #626
I’ve been donating to this cause for a year and a half now. My boyfriend of only a month opened up to me and told me that he used to have a pornography addiction but has been clean for over a year. This cause means even more to me now, knowing that someone I love has been affected by it and has been overcoming it. Thank you for all that you do!
Impact Journal #212
Hi, Thank you for all that y’all do and the education you bring to the table.
Impact Journal #376
I watched Brain, Heart, World, this weekend and it’s a must-see. The explanation of porn’s effects on your brain, relationships, and the world caught my eye because the message never centered on whether porn is “good” or “bad,” but rather was based on scientific evidence. It was approachable for young minds. I was quickly hooked, playing one episode after another. Mixing personal stories with professional perspectives was an effective way to show how a consumer’s brain changes when exposed to porn, and the ways can alter our personality, preferences, and approach to life. What I liked the most was the hopeful tone of the documentary. Despite showing terrible effects and heartbreaking stories, it sends an optimistic message, addressing directly people who may be trapped in porn consumption and giving them information as to where to turn for help.
Impact Journal #50
My husband and I have used a lot of your resources in discussions about porn. Just talking and accepting the realities of the impact of porn has been really helpful. Thank you again. What you are doing is helping many.
Impact Journal #484
Hearing how it's an everyday battle when you're on the road to recovery and freedom from porn is scary, but knowing that you're not in this alone is helpful. And really just the dreams and aspirations mentioned in the documentary put it all into perspective, that you don't want this addiction to flood into those areas in your life. Let the battle begin.
Impact Journal #597
As a recovering porn addict myself, this podcast has helped me further understand myself and it always helps when you can relate to someone who has had the struggle themselves.
Impact Journal #354
I recently decided to wear my PKL shirt to O'Hare airport. I immediately noticed lots of staring, which is expected when you're wearing a shirt that has the word "porn.” A few people stopped me to tell me they loved my shirt, many smiled and pointed. It was refreshing to see people reacting and hopefully having meaningful conversations after seeing it. The best part was while entering the aircraft, a flight attendant greeted us and after reading my shirt, her face lit up! She loved the message and had her coworker come see it as well. During the flight, the flight attendant offered me a complimentary beer "for wearing such an awesome shirt." By supporting FTND, you aren't just giving your money to another nonprofit. You are provided with a tool to spread an empowering, world-changing message. By wearing a shirt with the 3 simple words "Porn Kills Love," I was able to raise awareness, start conversations for many, and pass the message along.
Impact Journal #610
Wow, it’s like a revelation to me. I kinda binge listened to all of the podcast episodes this week while at work and home, and my mind is blown. Porn is the root of where I lost myself, I didn’t know but now I understand! Porn is the root of so much of what I stand against and things I’ve been subject to and yet I have fed into and engaged in pornography. I knew the grip it had on me but I didn’t connect the dots.
Impact Journal #540
Brain, Heart, World was very informative and insightful. The topic itself was uncomfortable to think about watching, but as I watched it, it just made me feel like I was learning more about how we are all affected differently by the things in this world and how it is the little things that are done over and over again that can have larger and more intense effects on us as an individual.
Impact Journal #450
This was amazing. It definitely helps show that anyone struggling is not alone. I think it’s cool that it focused on real people’s stories, and it’s awesome that people are trying to spread the word that porn is a problem. It has been in my life, and I’m grateful for everyone who has helped me on the journey of stopping. Thank you for the great docuseries.
Impact Journal #522
Excellent. I have no words to explain what a great job you are doing and the incredible impact you have. Thank you for giving your time and talents to fight for LOVE.
Impact Journal #607
As someone who has suffered from pornography addiction, I was instantly in support when I found FTND on Instagram. Your page gives a voice to the unspoken narrative that affects millions so strongly. That led me to discover this podcast which dives into detail of how consuming pornography derails your life and relationships in a multifaceted way. This podcast gives me hope for the future as you continue to reach others and change lives. Thank you for being the voice.
Impact Journal #279
Thank you for all of the regular reminders of the toxicity of porn. It’s helpful to remind us all of why we should stay away, no matter the urge, especially during the time of confinement in the pandemic for so many of us.