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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #557
What an eye-opening and helpful experience to learn about the underbelly of the pornography industry.
Impact Journal #567
This podcast is now one of my favorites. Within it they speak the truth, giving a foundation for those fighting against pornography. More than that, it informs listeners so well about the shocking truth of human trafficking, the consequences of pornography, and so much more. Everyone needs to listen to this so that together we can fight for freedom and fight for love.
Impact Journal #383
Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you so much. I am a 12-year-old kid who has been addicted to porn for over six years. My sister found out and she showed me the Fight the New Drug three-part series. I watched all three episodes and I am no longer watching porn. So I just wanted to thank you, and without you guys, I would still be watching.
Impact Journal #190
One of the biggest reasons I support Fight the New Drug is because of your basis in science. Having a strong psychological and physiological foundation provides you with credibility. It also makes your message more accessible, no matter the worldview or background. I also appreciate your understanding and support of people suffering from an addiction to pornography. Shaming those struggling isn't going to help them in their fight to do and be better. Thank you for all you do and keep up the good work!
Impact Journal #56
I’m thankful for organizations like FTND! Because of you talking about the harmful effects of porn, I’m now attending college in the fall and getting a degree in psychology to help trafficked women recover. I never knew that trafficking and porn went hand-in-hand. Thank you for showing that to me and thank you for repping a good cause!
Impact Journal #341
The content that Fight the New Drug presents, both on social media and in live presentations is spot on! It is all presented in a way that doesn’t promote shame, but rather teaches how watching can lead to addictive decisions and it has a harmful influence on people’s brains, relationships, mental health, and motivations. The information given is based on highly esteemed research and they give tons of links and ways to break free of using porn if one desires to do so.
Impact Journal #610
Wow, it’s like a revelation to me. I kinda binge listened to all of the podcast episodes this week while at work and home, and my mind is blown. Porn is the root of where I lost myself, I didn’t know but now I understand! Porn is the root of so much of what I stand against and things I’ve been subject to and yet I have fed into and engaged in pornography. I knew the grip it had on me but I didn’t connect the dots.
Impact Journal #487
This made me cry. My daughter became secretly addicted to porn when she was a young teenager. We ‘lost’ her for 3 years. She was no longer the easy-going, fun, hardworking young lady, but was a slave to an addiction, a shell of who she used to be. With a tremendous amount of hard work and 60 days without access to the internet, she came back. We can trust her again and she is a vibrant family member and happy citizen with positive goals.
Impact Journal #502
Truly excellent and hope-inducing for those whose spouses are addicted.
Impact Journal #167
My fiancé and I had a conversation about porn not too long ago! The openness and honesty brought us closer, and now we're avoiding porn TOGETHER!!
Impact Journal #323
I wanted to share anonymously that I'm two years porn-free. This is in part because I’m following you on social media. I've referred people to you as a source. Thanks for your work!
Impact Journal #335
Thank you so much for raising awareness on this subject. It has helped me so much, and I am healing from years of a lonely, empty addiction. You all are the real MVP’s.
Impact Journal #198
Thank you for building such an incredible platform for those of us who struggle with this issue. It's incredibly validating, helpful, and priceless to be able to learn and understand my addiction without any shame or alienation that gets tied to it. Thank you!
Impact Journal #726
I tell all my friends about the harmful effects of porn all the time and have done numerous presentations in school due to inspiration from your resources!! Thank you so much for pursuing the mission of educating an entire generation!