Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I think I literally just beat pornography. I opened up a porn website and actually stopped. I considered before consuming. I thought about what this would do to me, my future spouse, my future kids, and my life. I thought about all the people I heard about on your podcasts and how pornography affected them. None of it was worth the 10 minutes of “satisfaction” I would get. Thank you for all of what you do and for helping many like me overcome this drug.

I am not typically a person to listen to podcasts, but this is such an important topic. This is such educational and preventative information to help those who haven’t dealt with this (such as myself) in better helping us to understand the impact that this issue has on our generation. This information also helps those of us who haven’t dealt with these issues to be better equipped to help those who do struggle with pornography, etc. Everyone should listen in and they should educate themselves, or find help!

I love this podcast! This world is full of opinions, and it’s nice to find a podcast that is fighting for good. This has helped me in my life to find comfort. My husband and I listen to it together and get to feel closer together by doing so.

Brain, Heart, World is so good, and I am glad someone is approaching this from a non-religious and science-based direction.

Keep posting. Keep the podcast. Keep reminding me of what I need to avoid. The more I see you in my feed, the better. I'm so grateful for the work you and others do to save.

Thanks to your website and podcast, I'm able to bring up the negative facts about pornography to people and give them actual accurate information. Rather than just saying, "porn is bad," like before, I can give people the reasons why! I purposely bring up pornography in normal conversations and I'm not scared to do it cause now I have the actual facts, rather than just my opinion and it's amazing!

Recently, I was walking down the street in my city, and I heard this couple read my FTND shirt out loud as I walked by. So I turned around and smiled at them and struck up a conversation. They were a married couple, probably in their thirties, and they were just genuinely curious about what an 18-year-old was doing with a shirt like mine on. So I happily shared my whole story about how I was addicted to porn from 5th grade until sophomore year of high school, and how I’ve been walking in freedom since then. I shared about its connection to trafficking and the dangers of shame. It really just ended up being a really cool conversation for all of us!

Hello, I have been following your movement for a couple of years now and I just wanted to say thank you for everything you guys do! I have been free from porn for more than 5 years now, but it was still hard for me to stop! It does get easier with time. I have an awesome friend group and mom who I talk to when I am struggling and they help me get through it! It does help to talk about it! I have been so scared to rep the movement because of shame even though I haven't watched porn for years now. I finally feel that I can rep the movement with pride and I just wanted to say THANK YOU again!

I don't know if you guys read this but my sexual assault story is exactly like a story you shared. I wanted to say thank you for sharing this because not only does it help to raise awareness but it also helps to make people who have been assaulted feel less alone, and know other people have felt exactly how they have.

Loved this docuseries! I’m pre-screening it before showing my middle schoolers. I thought they might be too young, but then the people interviewed in the video said they were 10 or 11 when they started watching. Wow! So eye-opening!

Porn is degradation. Porn enslaves. Porn harms individuals, families, relationships, and society. I want better for our world and the people in it, and FTND helps make the world a better place in that sense. That’s my motivation!

Hey, I appreciate what y’all are doing. You’ve really helped me reshape my mental narrative toward porn which has really helped me quit. Big thanks to all of you.

Porn addiction destroyed my husband and my marriage. Thank you for fighting!