Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

You are the most wonderful people in the world. I am here from Syria wishing you all the love and I hope to share my recovery story with you one day.

Your team is doing a great job and has changed the lives of many, including me and my brother. Thank you so much and keep going!

Since quitting porn, I’ve felt better about myself and my body and have been less judgmental of other people and their bodies. I still have a long way to go and a lot of damage to my self-image to undo, but I’ve made leaps and bounds of progress. I also have a loving boyfriend who has seen the harms of this stuff and quit, too. Since doing so, we have both made incredible improvements in our sex life; we feel more passion, more love, more intimacy, more everything. My sex life has never been more satisfying and comfortable. I cannot begin to explain the vast improvements in our relationship, our intimacy, and our overall lives.
So to anyone who is in the process of quitting, or thinking about quitting, don’t give up! It is one of the most worthwhile things you’ll ever do for yourself, and the struggle is challenging but worth it. Keep going!

I just wanted to thank you for what you do as an organization. It is remarkable and so necessary. Three years ago, I was addicted to pornography. Like, “watching it three times a day” addicted. The results left me numb. Hopeless. And in a lot of ways, it left me lifeless. I’m glad to say that I’m almost two years removed from pornography and married to the girl of my dreams. And I’m able to help my friends do the same. In part, it’s because of what you guys do. You, among other forms of accountability, helped change my perspective and really fight this toxic influence that was in my life. So thank you for that.

Y’all give me hope for my brothers and sisters who are struggling. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

Thank you! I’ve been a long-time supporter of Fight the New Drug and have seen its benefit in my own family. Thank you for influencing and encouraging me!

I appreciate you guys doing this. I send a lot of your resources to my friends who struggle to try and help them, so keep it up.

As a long-time porn addict, I appreciate the science behind this video. I am also grateful for the courageous young people who have come forward with their stories. Thank you for the work you are doing.

Thank you so much for the resources you've sent me–it means more than you know. Thank you.

Amazing. I watched the first two episodes with our 15-year-old son and my husband. I have already shared it with our 21-year-old son and our 23-year-old daughter. I will be sharing this with everyone I know who may need to hear the message. This is a non-judgmental and compassionate message that has the potential to heal and restore those who have been enticed by the siren song of pornography but want to be set free. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this documentary.

I just wanted to thank you guys for all you do! Both my husband and I grew up in very religious families, and talking about porn was always a taboo conversation filled with a lot of shame. My husband has struggled with porn since junior high, and since we’ve been married, I’ve never known how to talk to him about it and see how he’s doing. But because of your page and all the amazing work you do, it’s slowly given me the courage to have an open dialogue with my husband about it. It’s made our relationship so much better because we can actually communicate! He feels safe being able to come to me when he feels those urges, and I am so much more understanding of the struggle that he’s constantly facing. So thank you, thank you, thank you! The awareness that you are sharing is invaluable.

Thank you for all you do! Put this donation to good use fighting the new drug! I am a college student with not much to give, but I am passionate about this.

This issue has left me feeling sad, helpless, angry, misunderstood, and lonely for so many years. Your team did amazing work by creating research-based content that makes it possible to have an actual constructive discussion about it. Reading through your website reminded me that we are not alone in this fight for change. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put in there. It really made a difference for me!

I wanted to share anonymously that I'm two years porn-free. This is in part because I’m following you on social media. I've referred people to you as a source. Thanks for your work!