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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #11
I just want to say that you are doing amazing work on this here site, and I am so happy and proud to be part of a community that shares my values. I first viewed porn when I was 11, and it has been a struggle ever since. Your site, along with a lotof other things, has been instrumental in helping me break my habitual use and have little to no porn use on a daily basis. Your approach of using science is so refreshing and appealing. I am super passionate about sex trafficking and sexual abuse awareness, and your campaigns have only fueled that in my life. So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. Your work has helped change my life for the better and get me free of my addictions.
Impact Journal #439
Thank you so much for creating the incredible three-part documentary. Not only did it open my eyes to so many of the impacts of the porn industry, but it has revealed to me how my own behaviors are fuelling and contributing to the problem. I wish you every success and look forward to joining you and helping where I can.
Impact Journal #37
Wow, thanks for helping me out. I am not going to watch porn anymore. This will definitely be in my mind the next time I feel tempted. Please grow and help other people.
Impact Journal #183
I thank you for your work. I’m Brazilian and I found the content on your website and Instagram very necessary!
Impact Journal #367
I wore a Fight shirt in a coffee shop today and it struck a conversation with a stranger, and I was able to share about FTND and how pornography affects people. THANK YOU for the awareness y’all bring, but also for your merch so I can advocate in my town.
Impact Journal #296
From the bottom of my heart, I’d like to thank everyone involved in the FTND organization for what you all have done and continue to do to help young men and women become healthy. To realize there are others similar to myself struggling with this addiction motivates me so much more to empower myself and improve my quality of life. Keep up the incredible message!
Impact Journal #206
Hello, Fight the New Drug. I’ve been following your page and content for a while now. I think your content is really great and has helped me learn more about my habit of compulsive behavior toward porn. Shame was really taking a big toll on my mental health, but after I got to hear what others have gone through and hearing they gained confidence over time, I’ve been really inspired. Thank you, and continue the great work.
Impact Journal #8
I can honestly say that discovering FTND was a massive breath of fresh air! My relationship got off to a rocky start due to discovering that my boyfriend watched porn. It made me feel extremely negative in so many ways, and yet I was made to feel that it was my issue because, “Porn is not a big deal! It’s not cheating!” Thankfully, four years on, we are more on the same page with the subject of porn. I fully support FTND and will be spreading the word!
Impact Journal #186
I struggled with pornography since a young age and it was a life-defining journey. Having now learned and applied principles that have freed me and allowed me to realize growth from this experience, I really want to help.
Impact Journal #161
My generation and I were not given a fair chance to grow up naturally and unscathed due to the porn industry–we need to protect the eyes of the next generations. Keep fighting the good fight, people!
Impact Journal #322
I’ve always had an incredible hatred for pornography. It ruined my body image, relationships, and stole pieces of my childhood that I’ll never get back. I’m so grateful for everyone at Fight the New Drug. Your work, dedication, and strength are much needed.
Impact Journal #174
Hey! Thank you very much for the work you do. The resources you make available have helped me a lot.
Impact Journal #159
Love your work. I wish I had been told at a young age about the harms of pornography.
Impact Journal #99
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me. I feel much more prepared and confident for having conversations about porn. There are some really helpful points in all of your articles. I really appreciate it!
Impact Journal #691
Thank you so MUCH for your educational videos. They really helped me. I support your mission <3