Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Incredible. A phenomenal, heart-wrenching look at the suffering and destruction porn brings to our lives—and the beauty that lies in life that we can experience when we break free. Thank you.

Hey y'all. I can't believe it's been three years since I found y'all. Not gonna lie, I had a pretty heavy relapse with my porn addiction these past few months. But as of Tuesday of this week, I am determined to start over and take active change. And once again, I couldn't have done it without y'all.

The work you do is vital, FTND. Never, never, never stop speaking. Post until everyone on the internet has seen a post. You're doing a great job. You are important. You are needed. You are appreciated!

Hi! I love your organization and the research it brings to light. I wanted to say thank you and keep up the good work!

Thank you for creating this awareness. I wish I could give more because this is something I have personally been affected by.

Wow, thanks for helping me out. I am not going to watch porn anymore. This will definitely be in my mind the next time I feel tempted. Please grow and help other people.

Happy National Nonprofit Day! I recently read an article of yours that really made me feel appreciated as a donor so in addition to being a Fighter, I decided to make an additional donation. I've relapsed recently, the shame from which made me distance myself from your wonderful work, so this donation also serves as a sign of my re-commitment to continue fighting! Thank you for your help, I would be lost without your resources. You give me much hope.

I haven’t watched porn since I heard about your campaign 7 months ago.

I appreciate this channel so much and I'm glad that there are people with great courage willing to speak about it, like you.

My generation and I were not given a fair chance to grow up naturally and unscathed due to the porn industry–we need to protect the eyes of the next generations. Keep fighting the good fight, people!

Thank you for bringing awareness to what has become a massive issue in our community and relationships! Keep up the good fight!

This podcast has given me so much strength; it’s amazing! Thank you for confirming that my feelings are normal and healthy. I highly recommend this podcast. Love you guys!

As a teen, I watched porn all the way until I became pregnant with my first kid. My mother raised us to be aware of addiction and how it sneaks up on you and takes over your life. I knew there was something wrong with the fact that I always resorted back to watching porn. The fact that I couldn’t stop permanently wasn’t “normal,” so I went searching for research on the subject. That’s when I stumbled upon this huge movement called Fight the New Drug.
Once I read the stats on how people are sex trafficked for porn, and how porn is impacting our culture and love, I was devastated that I had been supporting. It pushed me to learn more, and that’s when I learned how porn affects our brains and pulls us into the addiction. I made it my mission to never let my porn addiction affect me again and to reach out to as many people as possible to educate and help others with their addiction to porn. I can PROUDLY say I have not watched porn in two years!! I am proud to be porn-free!

I love that Brain, Heart, World wasn’t shaming. It was an informative video and was entertaining for our teenager, too.

I’m grateful to have come across your website while I was searching for ways to stop my compulsive porn use. For the first time, I feel like I have the upper hand over my struggles. You gave me the strength to fight on when I was feeling helpless. By shedding light on the impact that porn has on me, the people closest to me, and the society at large, you encouraged me to quit porn. Not just for me but for everyone who is affected.