Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I am so happy with what you guys are doing. I’m dating a guy who was trapped in his porn addiction and it has opened my eyes to this world of deception. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I cannot say it enough. I'm tearing up as I write.

Thank you guys for all you do! I love the three documentary episodes–they’re so well done and personable. I find most people don’t know the harms of porn because they don’t talk about it. My boyfriend’s porn habit nearly ended our relationship, but we’ve decided to work it out, and he’s getting help with recovery. No one ever talked to him about porn, told him the harms of it, or asked him if he had a problem with it, and I was shocked. I feel like there are so many people who don’t even know what it’s doing to their brains or relationships— it’s heartbreaking! They don’t know all of that, let alone know about the world of sexual exploitation in the porn industry. People need and deserve real love! Thank you so so much for spreading awareness!

Thank you very much! You guys are doing an amazing job! I'll try my best to overcome this addiction.

A friend of mine introduced me to Fight the New Drug and this podcast a while back. I can’t thank her enough. It has been a huge eye-opener as well as an inspiration. I’m so glad there are people out there addressing this in an absolutely wonderful and exciting way.

Since joining Fighter Club, I’ve found more ways to proudly represent the movement, and I’ve been able to have some good conversations about it with people who recognize me as someone who speaks out and stands against pornography. I love getting updates about opportunities to get more deeply involved, and I also love hearing about the impact our efforts have on people.

Y’all give me hope for my brothers and sisters who are struggling. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

I found this documentary series really helpful and informative. I want to know more—I now feel I am not alone in a struggle with porn, which has been a part of my life for so long. Thank you.

This is information that the world needs to hear! Love how packed yet simple each episode is! They are encouraging me to start conversations and raise awareness. There’s so much great info on FTND’s site, but sometimes it’s nice to listen. Looking forward to learning more and being a part of the movement in creating new social norms around healthy sexuality!

This podcast gave me such a wonderful perspective and changed my views on porn! Thanks for starting the conversation! I will be sharing this.

As a mother of four children, I am so grateful for this mission of fighting for LOVE and teaching about the ill and destructive effects of pornography.

Hello, I really love both your page and YouTube videos. Your factual information has motivated me to shake off my porn and sex addiction. I haven’t watched Pornhub or paid OnlyFans subscriptions for a month now.

You guys are really fighting the good fight, especially a fight that not many people want to talk about. I really appreciate what you guys do.

My husband and I have used a lot of your resources in discussions about porn. Just talking and accepting the realities of the impact of porn has been really helpful. Thank you again. What you are doing is helping many.

I finally told my parents about my porn addiction last night. It had made me depressed and antisocial because I felt like nobody could love me. I thought my parents were going to be disappointed or angry with me, but they were actually really proud of me for coming to them. They didn’t make me feel bad about myself, and were completely loving and understanding. Now we do a weekly phone audit, so they look through my phone and I look through their phones with complete trust. I’m so happy now that I’ve told someone. It was completely consuming me, but it was like a virus that wouldn’t stop. In the end, I couldn’t forgive myself until I told someone and accepted that I had a problem. Thank you for being a source that people like me can come to and feel loved.

In the midst of all that’s happening in the world, I had forgotten that this year is a big milestone for me: I was addicted to porn for 13 years growing up, and I have been free from that addiction for 13 years in March. Big thanks to Fight the New Drug for not backing off from the fight!