Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I really am not alone, thank you for proving that to me with this amazing documentary.

You are doing a great job!

Your educational materials are such high quality, and I appreciate the light you shed on this critical topic that affects every aspect of our world.

So glad I found you a couple of years ago. You have helped me navigate the most challenging times in my life. Thank you for all you do.

Hi! I came across one of your articles and it has changed my perspective. I want to thank whoever wrote this article I found about how not all men watch porn. I have struggled with my partner watching porn in every relationship I’ve had. Up until recently, I found someone who honors me, and says he will never do that, etc. To be honest, I thought it was impossible, and have been feeling so unsettled because of this ridiculous fear. But finding this website changed my outlook knowing it IS possible. Not ALL men watch it. So, thank you, whoever you are.

I am a recovering porn and sex addict and I just want you all to know that you are doing great work. My choices in looking at pornography have hurt the most important person in my life so much. I feel like a monster and now all I can do is to try to help contribute to fighting against this awful culture and industry. I have been listening to your podcasts and it truly disgusts me that I was contributing to so much exploitation and abuse in the industry. No one should ever have to go through those things and I truly will always consider before consuming now. Thank you.

I watched Brain, Heart, World, this weekend and it’s a must-see. The explanation of porn’s effects on your brain, relationships, and the world caught my eye because the message never centered on whether porn is “good” or “bad,” but rather was based on scientific evidence. It was approachable for young minds. I was quickly hooked, playing one episode after another. Mixing personal stories with professional perspectives was an effective way to show how a consumer’s brain changes when exposed to porn, and the ways can alter our personality, preferences, and approach to life.
What I liked the most was the hopeful tone of the documentary. Despite showing terrible effects and heartbreaking stories, it sends an optimistic message, addressing directly people who may be trapped in porn consumption and giving them information as to where to turn for help.

Thank you for making these resources free. You are fighting the good fight & helping free our adolescents from the grips of porn addiction.

Outstanding! Just the resource I need as a parent. We will make this a regular resource we use, and will share it with friends! Thank you!

This is such an important topic. People are either ignorant of the problems or it’s the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about. But once we release the shame and start conversations, then we can win this war. Porn has already destroyed so many relationships, including two of my marriages. Since I’ve been listening to these podcasts and supporting Fight the New Drug, I have the confidence to speak out. Young men have confessed to me that they have issues with real women after growing up on internet porn. People don’t realize what they can be doing to themselves and others. It’s time we speak up like we do with other drugs. Thank you Fight the New Drug for all of this great information and your platform.

You guys have changed my life and taught me how to avoid shame when talking about pornography. And have shown me what I want in a relationship! I’m so grateful for your organization and all you’ve taught me!

Thank you for being a beacon of hope in a time when I felt so low.

We just watched Brain, Heart, World this week with our 18-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son. Excellent! We had a good discussion and will continue the dialogue. I’ve already recommended it to others. Thank you so much for this Fighter resource!!