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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #38
I’m SO glad I reached out and wish we had known about these awesome resources years ago!
Impact Journal #352
Just saw a guy wearing your shirt. Curious, I Googled it later. Love what you're doing!
Impact Journal #233
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks. Today, I opened up to my partner about my past addictions (currently celebrating three years of being free of pornography). And I don’t know if I could’ve had that courage without your group. Sincerely, thank you.
Impact Journal #426
WOW! That’s an incredibly powerful docuseries. I had a similar experience to one of the guys in the film as a kid, and messed up a lot of my life. It took years of hard work to stop watching porn, and I’m still tempted. This film was so motivational to stay free and focus on healthy relationships and experiencing life.
Impact Journal #167
My fiancé and I had a conversation about porn not too long ago! The openness and honesty brought us closer, and now we're avoiding porn TOGETHER!!
Impact Journal #433
I am currently battling this addiction and I struggle to find the words to express my gratitude to everyone who made this documentary, and to everyone who made it available.
Impact Journal #630
Thank you for all you do! Put this donation to good use fighting the new drug! I am a college student with not much to give, but I am passionate about this.
Impact Journal #543
I think these are some of the most important and impactful videos ever made, especially for a teenage and/or family audience. Sobering, realistic, and vital for our society. Thank you so much for making Brain, Heart, World!
Impact Journal #721
The work you do is vital, FTND. Never, never, never stop speaking. Post until everyone on the internet has seen a post. You're doing a great job. You are important. You are needed. You are appreciated!
Impact Journal #258
I am so grateful for organizations like this one. My previous boyfriend had a severe porn addiction that instilled lies in me that I was not enough. Reading articles of women who have stories similar to mine, and having people committed to ending people’s consumption, I am encouraged by the stand. Thanks so much!
Impact Journal #489
I felt that I was very deeply connected to those people in the video because I noticed the shared hardship between them and me. I did reach a breaking point. I did relapse. I did feel ashamed. I have wished that I never discovered what I've discovered. Knowing that recovery is tangible inspires me on so many levels. Thanks to everyone who helped produce this episode. I truly mean that.
Impact Journal #368
I found Fight the New Drug not long after my relationship ended, and while the path has had some speed bumps, I feel so much more free. I feel so much more clear. I feel more whole as a person. I have obtained a clarity when it comes to proper, healthy goals in seeking a lasting, loving relationship. Whenever I rock a FTND t-shirt, it's always a conversation starter—and frankly, it's a conversation that should be happening more often in today's society, and it's a conversation I'm proud to launch in my community.
Impact Journal #431
This documentary was inspiring. It makes me feel not alone, and it makes me want to try again.
Impact Journal #566
Great content and super helpful as I lead volunteers of students to have conversations about pornography with students!
Impact Journal #612
I am speechless most of time with the topics that are addressed in these podcasts. I think that I am a better human being, or at least becoming one, because I am hearing these messages.