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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #617
I wanted to say thanks so much for your podcast. It was very encouraging and a great reminder I'm not alone in struggling, and it provided me with sobering facts I'd never heard before in a format I'd never seen before. Keep on keeping on! I'll try to do my best as well!
Impact Journal #318
Thanks for everything you guys do. Honestly, the fight is real and sometimes shame eats at me but thanks for the inspiration.
Impact Journal #153
Thank YOU ALL for never backing down!!! Y’all have been inspiring guys like me during this past decade! Thank you!
Impact Journal #729
In all this digital world of useless information your content is truly constructive. I appreciate every single post you share. People should raise awareness and talk openly about this problem that has profound impact in the life of individuals and the foundation of society.
Impact Journal #371
I've already shared it with a bunch of people. It was really informative. It had a good combination of facts, personal stories, and science. And it was told in a way that all this information in the end gave hope and an idea of how to get out of porn.
Impact Journal #81
Since quitting porn, I’ve felt better about myself and my body and have been less judgmental of other people and their bodies. I still have a long way to go and a lot of damage to my self-image to undo, but I’ve made leaps and bounds of progress. I also have a loving boyfriend who has seen the harms of this stuff and quit, too. Since doing so, we have both made incredible improvements in our sex life; we feel more passion, more love, more intimacy, more everything. My sex life has never been more satisfying and comfortable. I cannot begin to explain the vast improvements in our relationship, our intimacy, and our overall lives. So to anyone who is in the process of quitting, or thinking about quitting, don’t give up! It is one of the most worthwhile things you’ll ever do for yourself, and the struggle is challenging but worth it. Keep going!
Impact Journal #493
Love this. Thank you for what you have done here! My husband is fighting a 30+ year addiction. It has caused a lot of pain for him and for us as a family. This is an important battle!
Impact Journal #325
My boyfriend regularly watched porn, and his expectations of sex were warped because of it. Since quitting, we’ve had a much healthier sex life and relationship in general. Porn kills love. Thank you for fighting against it.
Impact Journal #548
We love your organization and the content you put out! Thank you! We did a private movie screening at a theater of Brain, Heart, World about 2 years ago, and it was so impactful!!!
Impact Journal #404
Amazing! I can’t wait to sit and watch Brain, Heart, World with my boyfriend. We’ve both been struggling with our own addictions to porn and this was so packed with information that sought only to help, not to judge. Thank you!
Impact Journal #183
I thank you for your work. I’m Brazilian and I found the content on your website and Instagram very necessary!
Impact Journal #681
I used the conversation blueprint with my 12-year-old son. So helpful for that first conversation. Can’t wait to show him the documentary.
Impact Journal #722
Your content is brilliant! I watched it all with my son (16) who had gone down the porn rabbit hole. I know how damaging it is as I'm an addiction specialist. It was so accessible for his age - thank you!
Impact Journal #715
I wish I could hug you. This video impacted me more than you can imagine. Thank you, FTND. You inspire me daily to use my voice and I'm getting closer to being ready to do that.
Impact Journal #164
I really appreciate all that you stand for! There are millions of kids and teenagers that need to hear the message you spread!