Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I love what you guys are doing. Please, never stop.

Thank you for what you’re doing in the world!

This resource was an eye-opener. Thank you. Your docuseries is directed so nicely. Porn addict or not, anyone can watch it for its information and aesthetics.

Love this organization and everything you do to bring informed, fact-based awareness about the damage incurred in our society from pornography.

My marriage fell apart because of the harsh impact of pornography. My ex-husband is a good man; porn just changed how he functioned, spoke, thought, and looked at me. It hurt us in many ways, and it consumed the amazing person he is. I hope he finds a way to deeply and fully recover someday. He once told me that he saw FTND at our college campus, and he wanted to buy a shirt so bad… He said he knew it would be his anthem to himself if he were to buy one. To stop and be able to tell others to as well. He said one day he was so close, but he wasn’t ready. So, thank you for your impact. I will wear the two shirts I just bought now as an anthem as well. Thank you for all you do for the thousands who never said anything about it. You are saving lives.

It’s information that I’ve seen many times before, but the way it is presented here is much more human. I like the hopeful message of Brain, Heart World, and I am extremely glad that you are helping propagate this information. People really need to hear it. I need to hear it. I am trying to free myself, and it is so easy to lie to myself to justify it. Knowledge is the power people need to overcome this. Thank you for providing that knowledge.

As a nurse, I really appreciate the scientific education from experts on the very real damage that porn does to the brain, as well as the hope for healing!

I love what you stand for. My boyfriend and I are currently fighting his porn addiction together and I'm so excited for our shirts to come. This has been an overwhelming, anxiety-filled time for me, and being able to use your website and information has been so helpful.

This is such an important topic. People are either ignorant of the problems or it’s the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about. But once we release the shame and start conversations, then we can win this war. Porn has already destroyed so many relationships, including two of my marriages. Since I’ve been listening to these podcasts and supporting Fight the New Drug, I have the confidence to speak out. Young men have confessed to me that they have issues with real women after growing up on internet porn. People don’t realize what they can be doing to themselves and others. It’s time we speak up like we do with other drugs. Thank you Fight the New Drug for all of this great information and your platform.

I believe that podcasts and organizations like this are just what we need. Porn has become such a prevalent issue in our society today, and being able to have challenging conversations and ones that might seem a bit awkward at first is exactly what we need to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones and focus instead on emotional healing and prevention from the damaging effects that porn can have.

I have learned so much while listening to this podcast. My partner is an addict and it has helped me to learn what all goes into pornography, human trafficking, and exploitation. I have found something that I care about and support fully. Raising awareness is super important and Fight the New Drug and Consider Before Consuming are doing an amazing job with that!

I recently searched about whether porn stars enjoyed their jobs. I ran across one of your articles about that very subject. To say it was eye-opening is an understatement. Thank you for your work. It’s necessary!

This documentary was inspiring. It makes me feel not alone, and it makes me want to try again.

I love the variety of content in these podcasts. I definitely think it provides valuable information to help people make an informed decision regarding pornography. Excellent quality and engaging interviews!