Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I am so grateful for your commitment to spreading love in this way and through this community. You are a force for good in a space that is so desperate for it. And I am so grateful to you for being an empowering group, sharing your values with the world in such an honest, loving, and beautiful way. You have empowered me and given me hope. I want to express just how special you are. To every person who reads this and has it in their heart to share this message: thank you. To everyone who took it upon themselves to build this platform and bring this message of love and freedom and truth into the world: thank you. You are truly a light and a force for good. Thank you for sharing what is in your heart.

Hello, I just want to thank you for all that you do. I discovered someone close to me had relapsed and I wanted to handle it non-confrontationally and you have helped us. Thank you.

Thank you for all the information you share through your site. My husband has been struggling with porn for some years. It’s been hard for him to admit it. But now that he’s done so, and he’s said it to me, everything has changed. He is still dealing with it. But I could see how my attitude and understanding helped him feel better and feel heard. Thanks for helping me understand what was actually happening and how I could be of help.

Excellent! I am so happy that this is being discussed and brought to light in such a productive way. As an educator, I have seen the impact of pornography on younger and younger kids, and it's heartbreaking. You are making a difference through raising awareness!

Thank YOU ALL for never backing down!!! Y’all have been inspiring guys like me during this past decade! Thank you!

I really appreciate all that you stand for! There are millions of kids and teenagers that need to hear the message you spread!

Thank you, FTND. Now I'm in this stage where even if I want to watch porn and am all alone, I still don't watch it. I hate porn now. There are a lot of beautiful things in the world to enjoy besides porn. Now I have bigger goals in my life and I'm working hard to be whatever I always dreamed for myself. Thank you so much for your articles and tweets. Thank you and I love you. Cheers!

I really want to thank you! If it weren’t for you and your amazing resources, I would probably still be miles away from recovery. So, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart!!

I still remember the day you guys came to my school, and really, what was said and the info given has had a continual impact on my life to this day.

This resource was an eye-opener. Thank you. Your docuseries is directed so nicely. Porn addict or not, anyone can watch it for its information and aesthetics.

Incredible series. This is incredibly helpful in my personal fight against porn and it’s a great tool to share with others for their own fights.

Hi! I love your organization and the research it brings to light. I wanted to say thank you and keep up the good work!

I reached day 50 for the first time ever and that was in large part due to y'all’s help. Thank you for your work.

For a year or so, I got sucked into the world of porn. But after I discovered FTND, I learned how much I was hurting myself and how much pain my habit caused the other people involved. I quit cold turkey right then, and as difficult as it was, I was able to move on from it and learn from my mistakes. I’ve now been completely clean for 6 months, and I was able to wholeheartedly experience true love. With what I had discovered, I was able to reach out to my best friend and help them quit their addiction as well. They’ve now been 2 months clean. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for everything. I will be forever grateful and a proud Fighter.