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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #237
Thanks for showing me the light out of my depression!
Impact Journal #596
This podcast gave me such a wonderful perspective and changed my views on porn! Thanks for starting the conversation! I will be sharing this.
Impact Journal #495
Amazing. I watched the first two episodes with our 15-year-old son and my husband. I have already shared it with our 21-year-old son and our 23-year-old daughter. I will be sharing this with everyone I know who may need to hear the message. This is a non-judgmental and compassionate message that has the potential to heal and restore those who have been enticed by the siren song of pornography but want to be set free. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this documentary.
Impact Journal #600
As someone who’s struggled with porn addiction and found myself looking for more and more intense porn over time, this is a great reminder of its harmful effects. There is a lot to learn here, and it can be hard to listen to sometimes, but it’s important to get some of the heartbreaking perspective. Thank you for doing this podcast.
Impact Journal #362
I absolutely love your organization’s message and your merch. Don’t stop! You’re making a huge difference in the world!!
Impact Journal #276
I saw your “Tips to Quit” article! I told my boyfriend about my struggle and had him put a password in on my phone that only he knows, and then one on my computer. It has, hands down, been the thing that has worked for me. Even if I want access, I can’t have it. The day he did that was the biggest weight off my shoulders. No more worrying about giving in to my addiction. I am very lucky to have a partner who supports me, no questions asked.
Impact Journal #315
I found porn in an effort to understand what was being done to me. As a 10-year-old boy, I was being molested and raped regularly by my 16-year-old male cousin. I found out later that he was addicted to porn, and that was part of what made him try to act it out on me. I struggled with porn and an unhealthy relationship with sex until my early 20s. I bought my first FTND shirt years ago, and I just joined the Fighter Club. Thank you guys for what you are doing to fight something that fuels sexual abuse and child trafficking and exploitation.
Impact Journal #421
Over these last 12 months, I’ve been deeply impacted by your organization. I discovered Fight the New Drug during my research on the harms of porn and can’t begin to express the level of gratitude I have for those of you who created Brain, Heart, World. I know you don't know me personally, but I want to simply thank you all for your dedication to this fight. Since discovering this film, I have hosted several viewings with friends, and with the men in my local community (about 100 men, ages 18-75). Each viewing is powerful and leaves every person deeply impacted. From my experience, after viewing Brain, Heart, World, conversations about the topic of porn open up. I believe one of the biggest problems surrounding the issue of porn is that no one talks about it. I'm so grateful that more people are opening up about this topic and bringing it out of the shadows! Thanks for everything you do.
Impact Journal #355
Recently, I was walking down the street in my city, and I heard this couple read my FTND shirt out loud as I walked by. So I turned around and smiled at them and struck up a conversation. They were a married couple, probably in their thirties, and they were just genuinely curious about what an 18-year-old was doing with a shirt like mine on. So I happily shared my whole story about how I was addicted to porn from 5th grade until sophomore year of high school, and how I’ve been walking in freedom since then. I shared about its connection to trafficking and the dangers of shame. It really just ended up being a really cool conversation for all of us!
Impact Journal #223
Thank you for bringing awareness to what has become a massive issue in our community and relationships! Keep up the good fight!
Impact Journal #390
It was great to see how other people are struggling, too. And even though I am older, I can still change how I think.
Impact Journal #306
Hi! I came across one of your articles and it has changed my perspective. I want to thank whoever wrote this article I found about how not all men watch porn. I have struggled with my partner watching porn in every relationship I’ve had. Up until recently, I found someone who honors me, and says he will never do that, etc. To be honest, I thought it was impossible, and have been feeling so unsettled because of this ridiculous fear. But finding this website changed my outlook knowing it IS possible. Not ALL men watch it. So, thank you, whoever you are.
Impact Journal #7
My marriage fell apart because of the harsh impact of pornography. My ex-husband is a good man; porn just changed how he functioned, spoke, thought, and looked at me. It hurt us in many ways, and it consumed the amazing person he is. I hope he finds a way to deeply and fully recover someday. He once told me that he saw FTND at our college campus, and he wanted to buy a shirt so bad… He said he knew it would be his anthem to himself if he were to buy one. To stop and be able to tell others to as well. He said one day he was so close, but he wasn’t ready. So, thank you for your impact. I will wear the two shirts I just bought now as an anthem as well. Thank you for all you do for the thousands who never said anything about it. You are saving lives.
Impact Journal #617
I wanted to say thanks so much for your podcast. It was very encouraging and a great reminder I'm not alone in struggling, and it provided me with sobering facts I'd never heard before in a format I'd never seen before. Keep on keeping on! I'll try to do my best as well!
Impact Journal #240
3 months into quitting porn and it disgusts me now. I cannot believe how warped my mind was—the only way I could feel satisfied during sex was being violent. Thank you for fighting the good fight. I have so much more motivation to achieve more in my life, so much more energy, and I'm much more calm and confident.