Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Dear FTND, today is my two year “soberversary”. Two years ago, I almost destroyed my marriage, my life was turned upside down, and my deepest shame and secrets came to light. Two years ago, I broke my wife’s heart, and began to face the things inside of me. Two years later, we are still rebuilding, still trying to mend the tears. But we are still here. Thank you FTND for promoting love, and connection over objectification and consumption.

It is very encouraging to see young people speaking openly about this important topic. Great job, FTND! Keep up the good work--your efforts are vital to the public health and safety!

I have been addicted to pornography for years now, and relating to these people's experiences in this documentary makes me feel less lonely. Thank you for everything you're doing. You make this world a better place.

I’ve been donating to this cause for a year and a half now. My boyfriend of only a month opened up to me and told me that he used to have a pornography addiction but has been clean for over a year. This cause means even more to me now, knowing that someone I love has been affected by it and has been overcoming it. Thank you for all that you do!

I have almost made it 2 weeks since the last time I watched porn. Sometimes it’s challenging to keep myself away from thoughts and memories, but I want to live the life that many people have been experiencing. I was exposed to porn when I was 6 until now at 22, but I want to be totally free. I want to see people, not to see bodies and shapes. I want to thank every single experience people share with you guys, and thank you for doing this for people. Many thanks for inspiring people around the world.

I am so grateful for organizations like this one. My previous boyfriend had a severe porn addiction that instilled lies in me that I was not enough. Reading articles of women who have stories similar to mine, and having people committed to ending people’s consumption, I am encouraged by the stand. Thanks so much!

As someone who has suffered from pornography addiction, I was instantly in support when I found FTND on Instagram. Your page gives a voice to the unspoken narrative that affects millions so strongly. That led me to discover this podcast which dives into detail of how consuming pornography derails your life and relationships in a multifaceted way. This podcast gives me hope for the future as you continue to reach others and change lives. Thank you for being the voice.

I'm so grateful to you and the work that you do! Before discovering your organization, resisting porn felt like a battle alone in the wilderness. Keep on fighting! Here's to 14 years, and 14 more, and many more in the future!

365 days! Consider Before Consuming was a vital part of the initial “white knuckle.” Thank you for making this journey & anniversary possible.

Your content is brilliant! I watched it all with my son (16) who had gone down the porn rabbit hole. I know how damaging it is as I'm an addiction specialist. It was so accessible for his age - thank you!

I struggled with pornography since a young age and it was a life-defining journey. Having now learned and applied principles that have freed me and allowed me to realize growth from this experience, I really want to help.

Thank you for making these resources free. You are fighting the good fight & helping free our adolescents from the grips of porn addiction.

Hi! I just wanted to say thank you. I’m 49 days clean and I’ve finally told my mum about it, and she’s being amazing. Keep doing an amazing job!

This is a great resource—we found it amazing and inspiring and will help a lot of people through their process of fighting porn for themselves.

Thank YOU so much! It’s amazing what you do, and you provide excellent and helpful materials and resources as well. For me, as a high school teacher in Switzerland, you’re a helping hand for supporting students who deal with questions and problems around these topics. All across the pond! So thanks again—I’m really proud to be a Fighter!