Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I really want to thank you! If it weren’t for you and your amazing resources, I would probably still be miles away from recovery. So, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart!!

Fantastic documentary episodes! Really, really well made and engaging with all the true stories.

I just want to say thank you for making this! This is a growing fight for many youth that I have come in contact with! And these videos are a great resource! So, thank you!

I think you are doing an invaluable job in educating people across all walks of life about the real harm and destruction internet porn wreaks in people’s lives. Thank you for such informative, creative, and heart-wrenching content! Please continue with your noble efforts!

I appreciate what you're doing. As you know, it's really needed. I first learned of you via the Porn Kills Love tee

I’ve been following you guys for more than a year. A week ago, I confessed to someone that I struggle with porn. Once those words left my mouth, I felt this huge relief off my chest. I’ve been struggling with porn since I was 10 years old and now I am 24 years old. I hid my addiction in the dark, but now it’s in the light. I just want to thank you guys for this page. It’s been so helpful, and now I can walk on this path to freedom! My chains have been broken!

Hi! I just wanted to say thank you. I’m 49 days clean and I’ve finally told my mum about it, and she’s being amazing. Keep doing an amazing job!

Please don’t stop what you’re doing. I’m on my longest stretch at 20 days without porn in years and every time I get low, these videos give me strength.

Thank you for speaking out on the facts around this. Most people still don’t understand how porn impacts partners because it’s still so acceptable in our society.

I literally love Fight the New Drug!! It honestly inspires me so much and helps me help others because it really keeps things real. I can now have real conversations with loved ones about this topic and really help them consider before consuming.

I am loving your podcast. I only started listening this week and I love the engagement. Whoever the host is does such a great job! Keep it up!

I just want to say thank you to the people at FTND. I started watching porn at a young age and even got caught multiple times, but couldn’t stop watching it. I realized I was addicted when I was 14, but was never motivated enough to do something about it. Watching your videos on IGTV really helped me find motivation to give up porn. From sex trafficking to how it affects relationships, I realized how much damage I was doing to myself. But after knowing that, I just started feeling bad about myself. That’s when your Brain, Heart, World series came in handy. I was able to see all the people who had struggled with porn and could relate to their stories. I didn’t feel alone anymore. I’m truly inspired by FTND. Thank you so much for taking a stand on this platform. Groups like this are going to change the world.

I just wanted to say how beautiful it is what you are doing. The fight against misinformation about porn. The spreading awareness about the harms against love. This is exactly what our world needs. Thank you.

Hey FTND, what you've said has really helped and given me some things to work on with my boyfriend. I'm hoping that together we will be able to get past his addiction and move forward in our relationship. You've really made me feel a whole lot better about the way I've been feeling towards his porn habit and helped me understand that what I am feeling is valid. It's been great to be able to speak to someone who has an impartial view on this and can offer valuable advice! So, thank you!

Awesome! I’ve been porn free for more than five months. You guys have really helped me during this battle! Spread the message!