Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Info from Brain, Heart, World was important in shaping how I viewed pornography. It hurts every person who encounters it, no matter the setting, age, gender, or worldview. Thank you FTND for your work.

Thank you! At the beginning of this year, I caught my husband looking at porn. He was exposed to it at a young age and addicted the majority of his life. It was probably one of the most painful experiences I’ve gone through. Now he’s been openly sharing with others his story, has been free of porn, has an accountability group, and he is just is able to enjoy a life without porn’s hold on him. It’s been so difficult to go through this, but we’re fighting! Thank you for your encouragement in a world that normalizes porn.

FTND has opened our eyes to a problem that is only getting worse! Pornography is no laughing matter. It is breaking up families, shaming men and women across the board. FTND has opened a topic that NEEDS to be discussed with the youth of today. We have been able to have open, healthy talks with our own kids about pornography. Thanks to FTND we can talk to our daughters, their husbands, and our son openly about how destructive pornography is. Thanks, FTND! You have opened our eyes, and strengthened our relationship with our kids!

Our son was negatively impacted by violent pornography. He was caught watching it when he was 12 years old, and we didn’t have the right tools to properly talk to him at that time. Two years later, he sexually assaulted a girl. He simply acted out what he had been consuming over all those years. He didn’t stop watching it when we caught him, he just watched it more secretly. Now that we know more about the effects of pornography and what it’s doing to our youth, marriages, and minds, we try to educate as many people as possible.

As a former porn addict, I am very grateful that this kind of information is getting out there. It helps strengthen my resolve not to regress back into those old habits. This addiction can feed human trafficking along with perpetuating the objectification of my own gender. Can’t thank you enough for your work on this front. Only wish you’d have been around when I was a teen.

Brain, Heart, World is such a great, quality documentary series! Looking forward to sharing this! I have a boyfriend who struggles, so I am trying to learn and understand!

So glad I found you a couple of years ago. You have helped me navigate the most challenging times in my life. Thank you for all you do.

I just want to express how much I appreciate Fight the New Drug. It has been empowering for my family! My husband has been free from porn/sexual addiction for over 2 years now, and I truly believe we could not have embraced it together without your platform. There was a time when I thought ending our marriage was the only option, but then I realized we could overcome it and so much more if we worked together, and now we’re hoping to start a family. I’m so grateful for your organization and everything it has taught us.

Porn is degradation. Porn enslaves. Porn harms individuals, families, relationships, and society. I want better for our world and the people in it, and FTND helps make the world a better place in that sense. That’s my motivation!

Before this podcast, I was lost and had no sense in myself. Now that I listen to this podcast, I’ve learned how to fight and how to think before consuming!

I wish we had this knowledge 30 years ago. My instincts were spot on but I had no evidence to back me up. The evolution of global connectivity turned this industry into a virus. This three-part series is so well done. Kudos! It’s modern, relevant, vulnerable, silly, and lighthearted where appropriate. The last part made me cry. Your research and approach have made it non-threatening to all. I know the hard work put into this on the cinematography and filming alone. I am unraveling my world and healing as we speak. Your website is very profound. Thank you.

I love your work. Your resources are absolutely amazing. Keep raising awareness to make the harms of porn known!

Hi, Thank you for all that y’all do and the education you bring to the table.

I found FTND while in college, watched all your videos on the negative effects of porn, and made a promise to myself to not watch porn again to protect my brain, and heart.