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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #241
I just want to thank you for continuing to educate and bring awareness to the effects of pornography. In a message I sent you several years ago, I thought my husband had been without porn for many years only to find out later that he had not stopped his porn use, just kept it quiet. I feel that I would have left this marriage or be in the process had it not been for the amazing articles you continue to post about how porn affects the mind, etc. Your efforts to fight this drug are paying off and you have saved my marriage and I’m sure many others because of it. My husband may still be in the throes of his addiction but he is fighting. I will be here by his side as he fights, wielding my own sword. True love is worth fighting for. Thanks again.
Impact Journal #321
Hey! Literally no one knows but me, and now you, that it was ever an issue, but today is my first anniversary of being clean from porn and I really wanted to tell someone! This is the longest I’ve gone in 20 years! And also, I wanted to thank you. It has been really helpful to see y’alls posts daily and be reminded that I don’t actually want it. It’s 3:40 am as I’m writing this and I’m just so happy because I never thought I’d make it this long. THANK YOU!
Impact Journal #309
I’m grateful to have come across your website while I was searching for ways to stop my compulsive porn use. For the first time, I feel like I have the upper hand over my struggles. You gave me the strength to fight on when I was feeling helpless. By shedding light on the impact that porn has on me, the people closest to me, and the society at large, you encouraged me to quit porn. Not just for me but for everyone who is affected.
Impact Journal #128
Porn is degradation. Porn enslaves. Porn harms individuals, families, relationships, and society. I want better for our world and the people in it, and FTND helps make the world a better place in that sense. That’s my motivation!
Impact Journal #125
I first was introduced to porn when I was in 6th grade when I found my father's VHS collection. I struggled for over 10 years. It wasn’t until I admitted my addiction to my then-fiancé (now wife) that I was able to overcome the addiction. It isn’t easy, and triggers are everywhere, but having support from my loved ones and pages like this have made all the difference. Clean and clear for over two years now. I have four brothers who are all working on their recovery because of me. Porn would’ve killed my marriage to a wonderful woman who I have been with for 11 years now.
Impact Journal #134
It's still a long journey, but I already see a lot of improvement in myself.
Impact Journal #77
The weight of not hiding things from my wife has been lifted! I don’t worry about her catching me because I’m not hiding anything!
Impact Journal #308
Thank you so much for all you do. With your site, I was able to educate my significant other on how destructive pornography truly is. So many women are deemed "insecure" by our partners and peers when we try to voice our opposition to it. I'm forever thankful.
Impact Journal #336
Hey guys, I had a small setback today with watching pornography, but one of your videos encouraged me to get back on track. Thank you for creating awareness on this subject.
Impact Journal #206
Hello, Fight the New Drug. I’ve been following your page and content for a while now. I think your content is really great and has helped me learn more about my habit of compulsive behavior toward porn. Shame was really taking a big toll on my mental health, but after I got to hear what others have gone through and hearing they gained confidence over time, I’ve been really inspired. Thank you, and continue the great work.
Impact Journal #445
Love the perspective it gives on the idea that you’re not bad for watching porn but that porn itself is bad for you.
Impact Journal #49
I really and truly respect and admire your organization and it makes me so happy that there are people out there fighting and spreading awareness on such a global epidemic that has been so normalized over the years. I have always felt so strongly about being against porn and the negative effects it has on relationships, society, and even the viewers themselves. But I have always felt like an alien seeing it that way instead of being comfortable with it, like many other people out there. I was so thrilled to stumble upon your page.
Impact Journal #448
Amazing! Thank you for highlighting solid science, courageous men and women, and working to create a better world. Our greatest enemy in all of these battles is hopelessness. Thanks, especially, for bringing hope!
Impact Journal #23
I just wanted to share that I was able to present to my whole student body about human trafficking, and specifically share about how pornography is connected to sex trafficking. It went well, and some students were really struck by the information about sex trafficking and wanted to change their habits and make a difference. I also received the “Concept in Action Award.” This is an award for a student who embodies the school’s mission. And I wanted to let you know the #NoPornovember Campaign, attending the conference with you all, and just all you do at Fight really inspired all of this for me! Thank you so much!
Impact Journal #264
Thank you so much for what you do! I often feel so overwhelmed by the problem of pornography and how it feeds the sex trafficking industry and destroys relationships. People have written off my claims that pornography is harmful because they assume it’s a moral stance, when really, I’m just trying to help people understand how horrible porn is. It’s so helpful that you guys have timely research and articles that I can share with people and the fact that you are not religiously affiliated helps me to make my case. Thank you!