Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I just want to thank you for the dedicated work you are putting in daily. My exposure to porn started before I was a teenager and while I spent much of my high school and college years being open about the struggle and “wanting” to quit, my addiction to it grew inside of my marriage. Instead of dealing with feelings of resentment with my wife, I fled to fantasy in porn and eventually adultery. While I willingly accept total responsibility for my sexual brokenness and all its consequences, it took getting caught five years ago to bring about the seeds of recovery that have really taken deep root. I discovered you on Instagram less than a year ago and have told my recovery group, my new wife, my friends, and anyone who will listen about the quality work you are doing. If only I had known about you eight years ago, even though I was not willing to give up my behavior. Now, more than ever, your facts, research, and movement have done nothing but fill me with hope and gratitude.

I literally love Fight the New Drug!! It honestly inspires me so much and helps me help others because it really keeps things real. I can now have real conversations with loved ones about this topic and really help them consider before consuming.

3 months into quitting porn and it disgusts me now. I cannot believe how warped my mind was—the only way I could feel satisfied during sex was being violent. Thank you for fighting the good fight. I have so much more motivation to achieve more in my life, so much more energy, and I'm much more calm and confident.

I can honestly say that discovering FTND was a massive breath of fresh air! My relationship got off to a rocky start due to discovering that my boyfriend watched porn. It made me feel extremely negative in so many ways, and yet I was made to feel that it was my issue because, “Porn is not a big deal! It’s not cheating!” Thankfully, four years on, we are more on the same page with the subject of porn. I fully support FTND and will be spreading the word!

I just want to thank you for what you’re doing here. I need facts, and when the craving for porn is high, I go to this page and let it help reset my brain. I hate porn and its energy but the magnetism is real; it’s like a parasite to humanity. Please keep always doing what you’re doing because it makes a difference.

Thanks!! Your posts have been really helpful for me since I decided to quit porn for good a few months ago.

Many years ago in college, I wrote an extensive paper on the side effects of porn production and consumption on different facets of the human being and life/lifestyle. Since that time, the evidence has become even more compelling. Thank you for raising awareness! Your organization is amazing!

I’m just here to say thank you for educating people on what they’re consuming. If I hadn’t known about what really goes on in the pornography industry, I wouldn’t be free from it today. We always think it only has an affect on us, but watching porn sets off a whole chain reaction. I’ve been free for probably almost a year—I actually forgot when last I’ve consumed pornography! The. Best. Thing. I. Did. For. Myself. And. The. Whole. World!

This docuseries was amazing. It’s given me even more motivation to stay away from pornography!

Thank you so much for this account. A lot of your posts have helped me on my way to developing a healthy relationship with sex.

Wow! I’m sharing this docuseries with everyone I know. My life has been so impacted by those who have been addicted. This was eye-opening!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you so, so much for existing. Thanks to your community, I can breathe and I feel like many tons of weight has been lifted off my back. Thank you so so much.

You are a lifeline. Wearing your tee shirts gives me a sense of empowerment to continue being victorious over the addiction to porn. I kind of feel like an ambassador. Cannot accurately express the gratitude that fills my heart for you. Thank you! #StopTheDemand

I think you are doing an invaluable job in educating people across all walks of life about the real harm and destruction internet porn wreaks in people’s lives. Thank you for such informative, creative, and heart-wrenching content! Please continue with your noble efforts!