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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #315
I found porn in an effort to understand what was being done to me. As a 10-year-old boy, I was being molested and raped regularly by my 16-year-old male cousin. I found out later that he was addicted to porn, and that was part of what made him try to act it out on me. I struggled with porn and an unhealthy relationship with sex until my early 20s. I bought my first FTND shirt years ago, and I just joined the Fighter Club. Thank you guys for what you are doing to fight something that fuels sexual abuse and child trafficking and exploitation.
Impact Journal #215
I was so excited when I found your page. It’s really heartening to see what you guys are doing. Thank you!
Impact Journal #214
I gotta say . . . I love what you’re promoting. Please keep it up and bring more awareness! There are so many downsides to pornography and people are hurting because of it!
Impact Journal #730
Thank you for making this documentary series. It's echoed thoughts I've been having recently about how things have been developing in the world though I couldn't entirely put it into words. I am grateful to learn more about the brain and how we are the results of the choices we make.
Impact Journal #715
I wish I could hug you. This video impacted me more than you can imagine. Thank you, FTND. You inspire me daily to use my voice and I'm getting closer to being ready to do that.
Impact Journal #306
Hi! I came across one of your articles and it has changed my perspective. I want to thank whoever wrote this article I found about how not all men watch porn. I have struggled with my partner watching porn in every relationship I’ve had. Up until recently, I found someone who honors me, and says he will never do that, etc. To be honest, I thought it was impossible, and have been feeling so unsettled because of this ridiculous fear. But finding this website changed my outlook knowing it IS possible. Not ALL men watch it. So, thank you, whoever you are.
Impact Journal #410
I really enjoyed not feeling like I’m the only one who has this problem and I’m willing to make big changes to stop my addiction. Thank you so much for making this!
Impact Journal #358
I took some photos with the shirt I ordered from you guys! I went for a ride around town wearing this shirt and got to start some stoplight conversations with some people and they said they'll check your website out. I couldn't thank your organization more.
Impact Journal #485
This is so inspiring. Pornography is something I have struggled with for years, and I'm just so grateful that more and more awareness is being raised on the harmful effects of it. Even people who don't have this problem should watch these videos and become more educated.
Impact Journal #34
Just wanted to say thanks for what you guys do! My husband quit porn 17 months ago and hasn't gone back since. We really love your page. We got married when I was 19 and he was 23, and he lied about his addiction for a year during our 3 years of marriage. But now he's free from it, and is happier than ever and makes great choices and our relationship is so much better even though it has been tough. The honesty that has come from it has been amazing. Keep doing what you're doing!!
Impact Journal #681
I used the conversation blueprint with my 12-year-old son. So helpful for that first conversation. Can’t wait to show him the documentary.
Impact Journal #272
Dear FTND, I decided to quit watching porn a long time ago because of my personal mental health and to stop contributing to the demand for sex trafficking. It’s been months since I watched it. I’m free, and I know in my heart that it will stay that way. I can’t thank you enough for your content and information–it was all very helpful in the healing process. Also, you’re doing great work and saving so many lives. Forever grateful.
Impact Journal #50
My husband and I have used a lot of your resources in discussions about porn. Just talking and accepting the realities of the impact of porn has been really helpful. Thank you again. What you are doing is helping many.
Impact Journal #81
Since quitting porn, I’ve felt better about myself and my body and have been less judgmental of other people and their bodies. I still have a long way to go and a lot of damage to my self-image to undo, but I’ve made leaps and bounds of progress. I also have a loving boyfriend who has seen the harms of this stuff and quit, too. Since doing so, we have both made incredible improvements in our sex life; we feel more passion, more love, more intimacy, more everything. My sex life has never been more satisfying and comfortable. I cannot begin to explain the vast improvements in our relationship, our intimacy, and our overall lives. So to anyone who is in the process of quitting, or thinking about quitting, don’t give up! It is one of the most worthwhile things you’ll ever do for yourself, and the struggle is challenging but worth it. Keep going!

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