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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #14
I always had the strong feeling that I was alone with this, especially because I’m a woman. But since I started this journey of recovery, I noticed that this is not exclusively a male problem. Girls struggle, too. With a huge amount of courage, I told my best friend about my struggle. She said: “You know what? I don’t care what you’re struggling with. You’re still the same, wonderful person I love so much.” This changed my life. I started to tell more people that I trusted and always got a similar response: we’re in this together. So to all the Fighters out there, I want to encourage you! Tell someone you trust about your struggle. It will not get better by hiding and shaming yourself. You are powerful and worthy of love! I’m currently still recovering. My journey is not over yet. But I hang in there. I know one day I will be able to say that I beat this. And I can’t wait for this day!
Impact Journal #719
This is a movement that I truly believe in. Your message, your platform, and the stories you've shared have helped me to see porn for what it is, that it's not for me, and that I can refuse it.
Impact Journal #379
Hi, I’m really excited to be part of this community since I watched your documentary. It is something that changed my view of life.
Impact Journal #469
This was so awesome! Thank you so much for putting these episodes together. We watched them with our kids and were able to have a great discussion about the harmful effects of porn. Thank you!
Impact Journal #140
This has me bursting into tears. My husband admitted to me he was addicted to pornography 3 years ago. I had no idea he was even watching at all. Our marriage is growing stronger and stronger every day and he (we) loves FTND! I’m so grateful for your organization. More than words.
Impact Journal #236
Thanks for all that you’re doing! You guys do amazing work; it does not go unappreciated.
Impact Journal #488
Needed this so much. Thank you for the motivation to start with the fight.
Impact Journal #148
I’m a long-time user of pornography and I know firsthand how destructive its effects are in one’s personal life. I’m deeply changed since abstaining and I would like to do my part to bring awareness to those who are addicted and prevention to young children/adults before they are exposed to it. Thank you for the work that you do! #FTND
Impact Journal #603
I’ve been helping my boyfriend fight pornography every day for the two years we have been dating. This podcast keeps me going and gives me hope for the future.
Impact Journal #636
Love y'all! I know that things are tough economically right now and your work is vital, so I wanted to give a little more in addition to my monthly donation. Keep fighting!
Impact Journal #151
Thank you for being such a force for good in the world!
Impact Journal #453
I’ve tried to quit porn in the past, but I think this documentary series and movement will be another spark that will help me really enjoy life again.
Impact Journal #290
I’m just here to say thank you for educating people on what they’re consuming. If I hadn’t known about what really goes on in the pornography industry, I wouldn’t be free from it today. We always think it only has an affect on us, but watching porn sets off a whole chain reaction. I’ve been free for probably almost a year—I actually forgot when last I’ve consumed pornography! The. Best. Thing. I. Did. For. Myself. And. The. Whole. World!
Impact Journal #133
I love you guys. You really opened my eyes. I wasn't aware of the horrible cycle that I was in.