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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #511
Outstanding! Just the resource I need as a parent. We will make this a regular resource we use, and will share it with friends! Thank you!
Impact Journal #704
Such a clear, informative, serious but optimistic presentation on the many negative effects of porn and how there is hope to overcome.
Impact Journal #53
I’ve been following you guys for more than a year. A week ago, I confessed to someone that I struggle with porn. Once those words left my mouth, I felt this huge relief off my chest. I’ve been struggling with porn since I was 10 years old and now I am 24 years old. I hid my addiction in the dark, but now it’s in the light. I just want to thank you guys for this page. It’s been so helpful, and now I can walk on this path to freedom! My chains have been broken!
Impact Journal #600
As someone who’s struggled with porn addiction and found myself looking for more and more intense porn over time, this is a great reminder of its harmful effects. There is a lot to learn here, and it can be hard to listen to sometimes, but it’s important to get some of the heartbreaking perspective. Thank you for doing this podcast.
Impact Journal #707
You are the most wonderful people in the world. I am here from Syria wishing you all the love and I hope to share my recovery story with you one day.
Impact Journal #181
Thank you so much for continuing to fight the good fight! I look forward to seeing all your creative projects to get the message out!
Impact Journal #368
I found Fight the New Drug not long after my relationship ended, and while the path has had some speed bumps, I feel so much more free. I feel so much more clear. I feel more whole as a person. I have obtained a clarity when it comes to proper, healthy goals in seeking a lasting, loving relationship. Whenever I rock a FTND t-shirt, it's always a conversation starter—and frankly, it's a conversation that should be happening more often in today's society, and it's a conversation I'm proud to launch in my community.
Impact Journal #70
I’ve been porn-free for 24 months! 2 years! After being a porn addict for 33 years. I thank you guys!!
Impact Journal #15
Dear FTND, I have been FREED from an addiction to pornography, and I want to share my story with you. For the past few years, I have been actively sharing my story about my past struggle with porn and my current life of freedom from the awful addiction. FTND has played a huge part in this, and that’s why I want to share my story with others, because I am a woman who has struggled. Thank you!
Impact Journal #401
A very interesting and educational explanation of the negative effects of pornography, which led me to consider the cost of, and why I view pornography. This gives me a good reason and increased desire to stop viewing pornography.
Impact Journal #338
I feel so encouraged by your approach and your energy and dedication to fighting this. I am so impressed with your presenter who came to my high school two years ago. He was so enthusiastic and knowledgeable. Keep up the great work!
Impact Journal #74
I want to thank you for giving me the resources and courage to speak to my two sons (aged 13 and 15) about the harmful effects of pornography and exploitation. We had a great conversation that went way beyond my wildest expectations. Thank you again for the amazing work you do to highlight and support parents.
Impact Journal #99
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me. I feel much more prepared and confident for having conversations about porn. There are some really helpful points in all of your articles. I really appreciate it!
Impact Journal #233
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks. Today, I opened up to my partner about my past addictions (currently celebrating three years of being free of pornography). And I don’t know if I could’ve had that courage without your group. Sincerely, thank you.