Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Your page has helped me be able to start conversations and encourage my husband so much! It means a lot that you all work so hard to fight this with science and facts!

Thank you so much for all you do. With your site, I was able to educate my significant other on how destructive pornography truly is. So many women are deemed "insecure" by our partners and peers when we try to voice our opposition to it. I'm forever thankful.

Love y'all! I know that things are tough economically right now and your work is vital, so I wanted to give a little more in addition to my monthly donation. Keep fighting!

Thanks for helping people make the decision about what to consume based on the facts and not just opinions!

Long story short, when my best friend told me that he's been struggling to stay away from watching porn, I sent him the FTND documentary, Brain, Heart, World. Because he is a political adviser, educator, and lawyer, he felt disgusted and devastated to learn that porn fuels the demand for human sex trafficking. This was one big reason that made him stop watching porn.

When I am most lost and seemingly have no purpose, I desire porn so much more. These campaigns have given my darkness a purpose and a chance to redeem all those years I wasted stuck in porn addiction. #stopthedemand

Hey y'all! I just wanted to shoot a message to say thank you for everything you do to educate the world about the harmful effects of pornography. I became addicted to pornography when I was 11 and still struggle to this day. I don’t actively consume anymore due to everything I now know, but I still have a hard time with the things I've seen. I also appreciate the lack of religious bias when discussing facts with other people. When I start to talk about the harms and lasting effects of porn, people usually just brush what I have to say right off because they assume porn isn’t really harmful, but with the articles you put out, I'm able to provide facts to others. Thank you again for everything this organization does and will continue to do.

I’m a month clean from porn today! I wanted to celebrate that, so I’m letting you know!
I left porn in 2020 and I’m using this year to focus on fighting this addiction. Thank you for spreading the knowledge of the effect porn has on us! I share the mission and information from FTND with a lot of people. Thank you for making me, a woman who struggles with porn, feel normal and not judged. Women struggle, too! That needs to be a continual message out there.

I’ve tried to quit porn in the past, but I think this documentary series and movement will be another spark that will help me really enjoy life again.

One of my best friends is a recovering porn addict. Thanks for providing help for him and helping me know how to support him. He’s doing great.

There are so many things I’d like to say, but I teared up a couple of times. The personal stories are extremely powerful and I can relate to many of them. Thank you so much for doing this and stepping out into the world with confidence and without fear.

Thank you so much for all the research and resources. They have allowed me and so many others to seek freedom. I am very passionate about others finding freedom from porn and shame.

I was first introduced to porn at 14. I'm now 19. I've been addicted for five years. It's been an absolute net negative on my life, and I think it's contributed to some of my anxiety, self-deprecating thoughts, and brash behavior. I've wanted to quit for what feels like forever now, but I keep relapsing. It all came to a head today when I couldn't take it anymore and found your website. I haven't even finished looking through all the resources yet, but I'm eager to do so, because after watching Jane Doe's video interview about how she was sex trafficked, I want nothing to do with porn ever again. In fact, I want it as far away from me as possible. I can't even begin to imagine how awful that poor woman felt. If I had the opportunity to say something to her, I would likely just say how sorry I am. Whoever is reading this, thank you.

I believe that podcasts and organizations like this are just what we need. Porn has become such a prevalent issue in our society today, and being able to have challenging conversations and ones that might seem a bit awkward at first is exactly what we need to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones and focus instead on emotional healing and prevention from the damaging effects that porn can have.

We love your organization and the content you put out! Thank you! We did a private movie screening at a theater of Brain, Heart, World about 2 years ago, and it was so impactful!!!