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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #686
Thanks for the work you all do. Looks like humanity needs you.
Impact Journal #643
Keep up the good work. You are doing great work raising awareness.
Impact Journal #242
As a teenager, I’ve been working to rid my life of the harmful pornography that affects so many individuals my age. I’ve been using your page to gather up the motivation when I need it. I have already noticed a huge difference in my mood and energy. I appreciate the cause your organization represents. Thanks!
Impact Journal #258
I am so grateful for organizations like this one. My previous boyfriend had a severe porn addiction that instilled lies in me that I was not enough. Reading articles of women who have stories similar to mine, and having people committed to ending people’s consumption, I am encouraged by the stand. Thanks so much!
Impact Journal #346
I thought I was alone in my feelings about pornography until I found your page and realized there are like-minded people out there and it has made me feel somewhat better. I feel like society has normalized porn viewing to be acceptable thing in a monogamous relationship. I really support what you’re doing and I bought your “Stop the Demand” tee shirt and I can’t wait to get it.
Impact Journal #608
Many individuals sweep sexual struggles under the rug in modern culture. The general population either justifies or shames these twisted versions of natural desire. FTND has done a good job of finding the middle ground, which lies in informing an individual of the damaging effects of pornography. Cheers to FTND for spreading the facts about pornography, and sharing hope for healing.
Impact Journal #543
I think these are some of the most important and impactful videos ever made, especially for a teenage and/or family audience. Sobering, realistic, and vital for our society. Thank you so much for making Brain, Heart, World!
Impact Journal #14
I always had the strong feeling that I was alone with this, especially because I’m a woman. But since I started this journey of recovery, I noticed that this is not exclusively a male problem. Girls struggle, too. With a huge amount of courage, I told my best friend about my struggle. She said: “You know what? I don’t care what you’re struggling with. You’re still the same, wonderful person I love so much.” This changed my life. I started to tell more people that I trusted and always got a similar response: we’re in this together. So to all the Fighters out there, I want to encourage you! Tell someone you trust about your struggle. It will not get better by hiding and shaming yourself. You are powerful and worthy of love! I’m currently still recovering. My journey is not over yet. But I hang in there. I know one day I will be able to say that I beat this. And I can’t wait for this day!
Impact Journal #489
I felt that I was very deeply connected to those people in the video because I noticed the shared hardship between them and me. I did reach a breaking point. I did relapse. I did feel ashamed. I have wished that I never discovered what I've discovered. Knowing that recovery is tangible inspires me on so many levels. Thanks to everyone who helped produce this episode. I truly mean that.
Impact Journal #4
Hey, guys! Four days ago, I reached my 1-year mark in recovery. I can honestly say that abstaining from porn has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I have my life back! And while I can say my life isn’t perfect, this recovery period has given me the tools I need to embrace every challenge that comes my way! I no longer need to resort to porn to numb my feelings and escape my problems, I found the strength within me to fight and keep moving forward no matter what, and it’s so worth it! I think clearer, I sleep better, my relationships are amazing, and I no longer look at women as objects and can actually look them in the eyes without feeling guilty and wondering what they would say. Fighting this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m proud to be a Fighter!
Impact Journal #354
I recently decided to wear my PKL shirt to O'Hare airport. I immediately noticed lots of staring, which is expected when you're wearing a shirt that has the word "porn.” A few people stopped me to tell me they loved my shirt, many smiled and pointed. It was refreshing to see people reacting and hopefully having meaningful conversations after seeing it. The best part was while entering the aircraft, a flight attendant greeted us and after reading my shirt, her face lit up! She loved the message and had her coworker come see it as well. During the flight, the flight attendant offered me a complimentary beer "for wearing such an awesome shirt." By supporting FTND, you aren't just giving your money to another nonprofit. You are provided with a tool to spread an empowering, world-changing message. By wearing a shirt with the 3 simple words "Porn Kills Love," I was able to raise awareness, start conversations for many, and pass the message along.
Impact Journal #423
We just watched Brain, Heart, World this week with our 18-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son. Excellent! We had a good discussion and will continue the dialogue. I’ve already recommended it to others. Thank you so much for this Fighter resource!!