Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Your organization has helped me so much on my journey to remove porn from my life. Thank you so much!

As someone who has battled porn addiction myself, I’m so appreciative of the amazing work you’re doing.

Thanks for all that you’re doing! You guys do amazing work; it does not go unappreciated.

I’m grateful to have come across your website while I was searching for ways to stop my compulsive porn use. For the first time, I feel like I have the upper hand over my struggles. You gave me the strength to fight on when I was feeling helpless. By shedding light on the impact that porn has on me, the people closest to me, and the society at large, you encouraged me to quit porn. Not just for me but for everyone who is affected.

Dear FTND, I just wanted to say thank you. I am a normal tenth-grade girl who was told my whole life that porn was “gross and dirty.” I wanted to understand outside of my own context why it was “bad.” Your website has provided me with the information I needed to justify why I took my stand against pornography. In English class, I was able to speak for 6 minutes about something; I chose the dangers of porn. It wasn’t easy, but my heart breaks for this generation of boys and girls who don’t understand why they can’t seem to have functional relationships. I wanted to do something about it. I have had multiple conversations after my speech, and hope that at least one person began to think about the potential consequences of porn. This hasn’t been easy to talk about it, but having the right information definitely made it easier. Thank you.

I’m without words. I sobbed. Everything negative that was shared by these individuals in the docuseries is prevalent in my own life. I can’t believe I never realized how much of my life has been wasted watching this. It doesn’t make me happy and hasn’t ever made me feel that way. What will make me happy is finally kicking this habit. I know that to be a fact. I can’t wait to watch the next one.

Fight the New Drug is a great organization, and this podcast is just as great. It’s so awesome that they’re making a podcast to talk about this hugely important issue affecting people everywhere. It can be an uncomfortable conversation, but it is a critical one to have. On top of that, the arguments presented here are not based on religious or political views, and they’re not trying to impose a certain viewpoint or ideology on listeners. All they want is to share what the facts say about pornography because they truly care about people and want the best for them. All things considered, this podcast gets a 5-star review from me!

As a pediatric nurse practitioner and mother of three, I am so grateful for the work you are doing. I also remember when you were the keynote speaker at the NAPNAP conference a while back and I learned so much. Please keep up the education and hard work, it is so important!

I knew that pornography has a lasting negative effect on people’s lives but to hear it from the words of people it affected impacted me more profoundly. Great documentary!

I wanted to take this time to say thank you. Thanks for all that y’all do to shine a light on pornography and sexual exploitation. When I was a kid, my dad did things to my sister that I won’t mention. His pornography addiction cost him his two precious children. There were many years I was hurt by those circumstances and held onto my anger. Since then, I’ve been able to attend a recovery program and use Fortify. I’m now starting my own organization with a friend that centers around child abduction prevention. I am grateful for all that y’all do. Fight on!

I’ve been helping my boyfriend fight pornography every day for the two years we have been dating. This podcast keeps me going and gives me hope for the future.

Hi! I came across one of your articles and it has changed my perspective. I want to thank whoever wrote this article I found about how not all men watch porn. I have struggled with my partner watching porn in every relationship I’ve had. Up until recently, I found someone who honors me, and says he will never do that, etc. To be honest, I thought it was impossible, and have been feeling so unsettled because of this ridiculous fear. But finding this website changed my outlook knowing it IS possible. Not ALL men watch it. So, thank you, whoever you are.

I’ve always appreciated what you at FTND do with promoting awareness of the dangers of pornography. Since experiencing firsthand the pain that comes from being in a toxic, porn-damaged relationship, I’ve become more involved with the movement. Thank you for what you do!

I always had the strong feeling that I was alone with this, especially because I’m a woman. But since I started this journey of recovery, I noticed that this is not exclusively a male problem. Girls struggle, too. With a huge amount of courage, I told my best friend about my struggle. She said: “You know what? I don’t care what you’re struggling with. You’re still the same, wonderful person I love so much.” This changed my life. I started to tell more people that I trusted and always got a similar response: we’re in this together.
So to all the Fighters out there, I want to encourage you! Tell someone you trust about your struggle. It will not get better by hiding and shaming yourself. You are powerful and worthy of love! I’m currently still recovering. My journey is not over yet. But I hang in there. I know one day I will be able to say that I beat this. And I can’t wait for this day!