Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I used to struggle a lot with my addiction to pornography. I started exercising after doing a little research on what porn does to your brain. It was devastating. I still fell almost every month, but I want to be completely free, so watching this helps 110%. Thank you so much for making this documentary! You wonderful humans are saving so many lives! Please let me know if I can help or join the cause in any way!

Wow. WOW! I just watched Brain, Heart, World, and I am blown away with gratitude for what you guys are doing. I talk about this organization often and raise awareness as well as I can about you guys and your resources because I am PUMPED about how you are fighting this tragedy that is overtaking the world. I truly think that because of what you beautiful humans are doing, I might get to have a conversation with another person one day who won't even know what porn is; that is my dream. Thank you for going hard for a good, good thing. Incredible job!

Hey, I just wanted to say thanks. Today, I opened up to my partner about my past addictions (currently celebrating three years of being free of pornography). And I don’t know if I could’ve had that courage without your group. Sincerely, thank you.

Thank you for your work!! It means so much to me. I have vast personal experience to validate the scientific research you publish.

I found out my husband was watching porn about a year into our marriage, and it has taken me a year to mentally get over it. He is porn-free now and our sex life has been so much better. I don’t think people realize the damage it does to relationships and to your own self-worth. So happy I found your page! Porn most definitely kills love.

I believe that podcasts and organizations like this are just what we need. Porn has become such a prevalent issue in our society today, and being able to have challenging conversations and ones that might seem a bit awkward at first is exactly what we need to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones and focus instead on emotional healing and prevention from the damaging effects that porn can have.

I honestly can’t thank you enough for taking the time to send me a personal message with so much guidance and encouragement. I feel better about moving forward knowing I’m not alone and I have these resources. I’m glad you mention shame so many times. Even when you love someone, it’s honestly really hard to accidentally bring shame into the conversation because you feel so hurt. Thank you for reminding me it’s not personal because it truly feels like you’ve been cheated on and it’s really tough to separate yourself from the situation. I’m going to look into these resources and try to make progress. You are making a big difference in our world, thank you.

I am so incredibly impressed with the quality, creativity, excellent research, flow, humor, etc. of how you all have produced such a fantastic docuseries! Thank you so much! I am a speaker/health educator for junior and high school students and I am always looking for great material to help the students recognize the dangers of pornography. Thank you again for such superior material and information produced in such an engaging way. Very very impressive!

Thank you for all you do. This is a movement I’m very passionate about and I am so happy someone is shedding light on this issue.

I recently took my brother's grad photos and he wanted to wear his favorite FTND shirt during the shoot. I just thought it was really neat and wanted to thank y’all for improving his life drastically.

I realized today that it’s been about four years since I heard about FTND. That’s around 1,460 days porn freeeeeeee! I just have to say that I’m so grateful for the education and power your organization has given me. Before learning about FTND, I had attempted to stop turning to porn for about eight years, with no success. The education and community are what empowered me. I just wanted to share this, and thank each of you for what you do for the movement. Freakin’ love each of you!

FTND has opened our eyes to a problem that is only getting worse! Pornography is no laughing matter. It is breaking up families, shaming men and women across the board. FTND has opened a topic that NEEDS to be discussed with the youth of today. We have been able to have open, healthy talks with our own kids about pornography. Thanks to FTND we can talk to our daughters, their husbands, and our son openly about how destructive pornography is. Thanks, FTND! You have opened our eyes, and strengthened our relationship with our kids!

The weight of not hiding things from my wife has been lifted! I don’t worry about her catching me because I’m not hiding anything!