Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I just wanted to tell you how much your movement gave me motivation to quit. I’m 2 months porn free and feeling great. Now that I have realized how unrealistic porn is, I started to treat women like people again. You are doing something truly great in the world! Just wanted to thank you. Keep doing the good work!

Thanks to your website and podcast, I'm able to bring up the negative facts about pornography to people and give them actual accurate information. Rather than just saying, "porn is bad," like before, I can give people the reasons why! I purposely bring up pornography in normal conversations and I'm not scared to do it cause now I have the actual facts, rather than just my opinion and it's amazing!

Thank you so much for all the research and resources. They have allowed me and so many others to seek freedom. I am very passionate about others finding freedom from porn and shame.

Wow, FTND. Your email this morning, with the subject title “PSA: Porn Is Not Healthy” came at exactly the right time. I’ve been having an increasingly difficult time staying away from porn. I’ve been free of it for about 3 months, but, unfortunately, this morning I looked up a popular porn website. Just as I tapped on the first video, your email popped up at the top of my screen. I instantly knew what I was doing shouldn’t happen, and I exited the website. Thanks for the amazingly-timed email, and thanks for all you do to combat this pervasive issue.

As a nurse, I really appreciate the scientific education from experts on the very real damage that porn does to the brain, as well as the hope for healing!

I’ve watched this documentary twice, once on my own and then with my fiancé, as he would always dismiss my views and alienate me for not accepting his use of porn. After he watched the first part, he asked me if there was more to watch, and he watched the rest saying that it was a real eye-opener and that when our children are old enough, we will watch the documentary with them.

I am still working through my own addiction, but either way, it is always nice to know that I am not alone. No one is.

At one point I was struggling with porn and it really was messing up my life. Until I saw one of your videos, it gave me an idea of how bad porn is, and I just want to say that you are helping a lot of people out there like me who have been fighting this for a long time. I would like to thank you for helping me realize that porn is bad for me and that I can reach true happiness without porn. Love you guys.

“Fight for love.” You have no idea how this phrase is motivating me today. I've been struggling for more than 10 years with this addiction and it has been hard, falling again and again and again. But this movement came in a moment of darkness in my life when I thought there was no way out. My relationships were broken: girlfriend, family, and friends—all of them getting away because of my dark secret, and I couldn't understand exactly why until I found FTND. Then it all made sense and put in me hope. I'm still struggling, but the frequency is less than the past years. I have some dark days, but phrases like “fight for love” give me a goal and remind me how important and special I am. Thanks, FTND!

One of my best friends is a recovering porn addict. Thanks for providing help for him and helping me know how to support him. He’s doing great.

I’m currently in counseling right now to retrain my brain to not want porn. I went over 50 days without a stumble for the first time in my life, and even though I did eventually fall, my wife and counselor were so proud! This journey has also helped to create a healthy sex life for my wife and me. I no longer see her as an object but as my forever partner who will stand by me through this struggle! This movement has changed my life and I never want to go back to the way things used to be. Keep fighting and keep loving!

I’ve been donating to this cause for a year and a half now. My boyfriend of only a month opened up to me and told me that he used to have a pornography addiction but has been clean for over a year. This cause means even more to me now, knowing that someone I love has been affected by it and has been overcoming it. Thank you for all that you do!

This message is clear and powerful. I start my fight today.

Finding you guys today makes me feel less alone, especially after finding porn on my boyfriend's phone. It has absolutely destroyed me. And together as a couple, we are going to try and work out this issue because porn kills love, and I don’t want this obstacle to kill our love.