Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I tell all my friends about the harmful effects of porn all the time and have done numerous presentations in school due to inspiration from your resources!! Thank you so much for pursuing the mission of educating an entire generation!

This documentary is a thought provoking, deeply moving and accessible resource for both teenagers and adults affected by pornography.

I wish we had this knowledge 30 years ago. My instincts were spot on but I had no evidence to back me up. The evolution of global connectivity turned this industry into a virus. This three-part series is so well done. Kudos! It’s modern, relevant, vulnerable, silly, and lighthearted where appropriate. The last part made me cry. Your research and approach have made it non-threatening to all. I know the hard work put into this on the cinematography and filming alone. I am unraveling my world and healing as we speak. Your website is very profound. Thank you.

I want to thank you for all the work you have been doing. At the beginning of last year, I got conscious about the real problem of pornography, and since then, I have been on a continuous fight. With wins and fails on quitting porn forever, I'm still on a long journey, but am much closer to the final objective. Soon I will finally be free, achieve the best version of myself, and discover true love.

Your organization changed my life. I know this donation isn’t a lot but I hope it makes a difference. I appreciate you all working hard on this.

I didn’t realize how badly porn affected me until I stopped watching it completely a few months ago. Now I feel like a completely different woman. Lighter, happier, free. I control my sexuality, not the other way around. I use that energy for creativity.

Wow, this docuseries was truly awakening. I’ve tried and tried many times to quit porn, and after relapsing a couple of days ago, this was the motivation that I needed. I accept that what triggers me won’t go away, things won’t change straight away and there’s still the possibility of relapsing again; I have to be aware of that. But when one sees clearly that things do get better and the clouds do part eventually, it’s very motivating to know that there’s more to life than this. Beyond pornography is a better, more rewarding, and more fulfilling life. Thank you for making this documentary. I will work even harder to kick this out of my life!

Amazing! I can’t wait to sit and watch Brain, Heart, World with my boyfriend. We’ve both been struggling with our own addictions to porn and this was so packed with information that sought only to help, not to judge. Thank you!

Your organization is doing INCREDIBLE work and I applaud your efforts. Thank you for bringing awareness to the dangers of porn.

It is a breath of fresh air to be able to listen and learn about the harmful, toxic effects of pornography from a research and facts-based organization. We need more great people in this world like the folks at FTND. While porn does not always show physical damage on the outside, it produces emotional rifts on the inside.

Your organization has helped me very much in overcoming my addiction and has helped me understand the science behind porn addiction. Not exaggerating--I am 55 days off pornography right now. Thank you for your support and motivation

My husband struggled with addiction to pornography since his teenage years. The first time I found out, I was pregnant with our first child and didn’t react well. The second time he confessed to me I was in a better place and my reaction was totally different. I asked how I could help, cheered him on, and sometimes babysat his phone when he was feeling tempted. He hasn’t viewed pornography for 2 years! Being loving and understanding truly made all the difference.

This issue has left me feeling sad, helpless, angry, misunderstood, and lonely for so many years. Your team did amazing work by creating research-based content that makes it possible to have an actual constructive discussion about it. Reading through your website reminded me that we are not alone in this fight for change. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put in there. It really made a difference for me!

Thank you! I’ve been a long-time supporter of Fight the New Drug and have seen its benefit in my own family. Thank you for influencing and encouraging me!

At one point I was struggling with porn and it really was messing up my life. Until I saw one of your videos, it gave me an idea of how bad porn is, and I just want to say that you are helping a lot of people out there like me who have been fighting this for a long time. I would like to thank you for helping me realize that porn is bad for me and that I can reach true happiness without porn. Love you guys.