Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

I’m currently struggling with porn addiction. Watching Brain, Heart, World has taught me a lot about myself. I wish this information was widespread and taught to everyone, I never realized how dangerous porn is. Thank you for all the people doing the research and for the people who made this docuseries.

You are a lifeline. Wearing your tee shirts gives me a sense of empowerment to continue being victorious over the addiction to porn. I kind of feel like an ambassador. Cannot accurately express the gratitude that fills my heart for you. Thank you! #StopTheDemand

It is very encouraging to see young people speaking openly about this important topic. Great job, FTND! Keep up the good work--your efforts are vital to the public health and safety!

Thanks!! Your posts have been really helpful for me since I decided to quit porn for good a few months ago.

I just want to thank you for continuing to educate and bring awareness to the effects of pornography. In a message I sent you several years ago, I thought my husband had been without porn for many years only to find out later that he had not stopped his porn use, just kept it quiet. I feel that I would have left this marriage or be in the process had it not been for the amazing articles you continue to post about how porn affects the mind, etc. Your efforts to fight this drug are paying off and you have saved my marriage and I’m sure many others because of it. My husband may still be in the throes of his addiction but he is fighting. I will be here by his side as he fights, wielding my own sword. True love is worth fighting for. Thanks again.

I think these are some of the most important and impactful videos ever made, especially for a teenage and/or family audience. Sobering, realistic, and vital for our society. Thank you so much for making Brain, Heart, World!

Porn is something that I believed was normal for the majority of my life. Over the past couple of months, I have started to realize how it was affecting me, and then I discovered this page. Hesitant at first to learn and dive into all the knowledge you guys have to offer, today I sat down and finished the three-part video series Brain, Heart, World. LIFE CHANGING! It was fun, truthful, interesting, scary, and most importantly, it brought up so many good points on how this “normalized” drug is affecting not only myself but our society as a whole. Porn KILLS LOVE! I am starting my fight today!

Thank you very much! You guys are doing an amazing job! I'll try my best to overcome this addiction.

Thank you so much for what you do! This organization has really opened my eyes to the harmful effects of porn. The Brain, Heart, World documentary along with the social media posts and online articles have been especially enlightening and impactful for me. Thanks to FTND, I feel I can spread this important information in more accessible ways such as through social media or through wearing your gear. My passion to end exploitation, specifically human trafficking, led me to your organization a few years ago, and I'm so glad I found it. I truly appreciate the work that you do.

Very good docuseries for young teenagers. I have looked for a long time to find something appropriate to talk through porn with my son, but most content was directed at parents. This was perfect: engaging, and truthful without being overbearing and condescending. Thank you!

I used the conversation blueprint with my 12-year-old son. So helpful for that first conversation. Can’t wait to show him the documentary.

Please don’t stop what you’re doing. I’m on my longest stretch at 20 days without porn in years and every time I get low, these videos give me strength.

I wanted to reach out and let you know that this organization is really an incredible resource, especially for other teenagers like me. I chose to write my most recent research paper on the detriments of pornography. I knew it wasn't a good thing, but I was shocked by the sheer number of ways it can negatively impact a person. This paper quickly became priority number one in school. Fight the New Drug provided a lot of information that really benefited me as both a person and a writer. I check in regularly to see what new information is available and always look forward to reading more. Thank you for providing this information for us.

I just want to thank you for the dedicated work you are putting in daily. My exposure to porn started before I was a teenager and while I spent much of my high school and college years being open about the struggle and “wanting” to quit, my addiction to it grew inside of my marriage. Instead of dealing with feelings of resentment with my wife, I fled to fantasy in porn and eventually adultery. While I willingly accept total responsibility for my sexual brokenness and all its consequences, it took getting caught five years ago to bring about the seeds of recovery that have really taken deep root. I discovered you on Instagram less than a year ago and have told my recovery group, my new wife, my friends, and anyone who will listen about the quality work you are doing. If only I had known about you eight years ago, even though I was not willing to give up my behavior. Now, more than ever, your facts, research, and movement have done nothing but fill me with hope and gratitude.

The work you do is vital, FTND. Never, never, never stop speaking. Post until everyone on the internet has seen a post. You're doing a great job. You are important. You are needed. You are appreciated!