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Child sexual abuse material (also known as child pornography) is a more rampant issue than ever before, and is growing at alarming rates
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(Rothman, Kaczmarsky, Burke, Jansen, & Baughman, 2015)
Findings of a qualitative study indicated that teens often reported trying to copy porn in their own sexual encounters, and that the pressure to imitate porn was often an aspect of unhealthy relationships.
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Fast Fact #46
(Gewirtz-Meydan, Walsh, Wolak, & Finkelhor, 2018)
According to a 2018 study of "child porn" victims, survivors reported that the images of their abuse caused different problems than the sexual abuse itself, including distress over being recognized from the images.
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Fast Fact #77
(Zhou & Paul, 2016)
Research has found that porn featuring Asian people often promotes racism by focusing on degrading stereotypes, including presenting Asian women as submissive objects.